chapter 5

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I am truly sorry for not updating in a long time. I have been really busy with other stories such as nalu one-shots. But I'm finally back. And I'm not leaving until this story is complete. So grab your popcorn because your going to be here for a while.

(Natsu, Lucy, Aki and Happy are walking. Suddenly they arrive at Lucy's house)

Lucy: M-My house! Are you telling me we live here!?

Aki: haha yeah.

Natsu: Ah yeah! I always liked your bed Lucy! I think that this is the perfect home.

Lucy: You always come to my house anyway!... (blushes) Y-You like my bed?

Natsu: I just get the best sleep on that bed.

(Lucy blushes)

Aki: Mum! Dad! Come on!

Natsu: Let's go Lucy!

Lucy: Y-Yeah... (still blushing)

(The 4 enter the house. Aki takes out his keys of the apartment. He opens the door)

(Suddenly a shoe hits Aki's face)

Aki: Now that's a warm welcome...

Girl: Aki! Where have you been! It's lunch time! You know we all eat together!

Girl 2: You didn't have to hit him sis.

Aki: haha sorry sorry! But look I have a surprise for everybody!

(A boy and another girl come out of another room)

Boy: A surprise? What is it?

Aki: Look!

(Aki points to Natsu, Lucy and Happy who are standing in front of the entrance.


Natsu: Huh? Who are you guys? You look familiar...

Happy: Natsu! They are your children!

Natsu: Wha???? M-My children?? All of them!

Lucy: Y-You all are my children!?

Girl: Mum! You look young! How come??

Boy: You too dad! Did you shrink?

Aki: They came from the past! So they don't know you.

Girl 2: From the past?

Boy: That's cool! I want to try it too!

Girl 3: Cool! Cool!

(Natsu and Lucy look at the children with smiles on their faces. When suddenly all of the children apart from Aki hug their parents)

Girl: Happy! You look young too!

Happy: Really?? But wait! Is the future me here?

Girl 3: Yeah! You went with mum and dad on a job.

Boy: But it's taking you a loooong time! You were supposed to be back for lunch!

Lucy: Our future selves?

Aki: Yeah! You're out on a job. heh since dad never let's you go alone mum! He has to be there with you.

Girl: If you want to go on a job mum, then dad has to definitely come with you. It's that or you either stay home with us while dad and Happy go on a job.

(Lucy blushes)

Lucy: R-Really?

Girl 2: Yeah.

Natsu: huhhhhh so while we wait for them to come... What are your names? and how old are you??

Aki: Ok Ill introduce everyone!

(Aki goes to the Girl. She is the 2nd oldest after Aki)

Aki: This is Inori. She's 15 years old.

(Aki goes to Girl 2. She is the 3rd oldest)

Aki: This is Kiyomi. She is 13 years old.

(Aki goes to Boy and Girl 3. The youngest ones)

Aki: This is Daichi and Mana. They are twins. Both of them are 10 years old.

Aki: And you know me! Aki the oldest one. 17 years old!

Natsu: Wow. That's 5 kids. Well nice to meet you!

Daichi: Well it's not like we didn't meet you before!

Natsu: Y-You're right. hehe.

going to the future (2nd book of the family series)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin