Chapter 2

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    The kids packed all of their belongings that they had brought to Gravity Falls, and soon, after saying goodbye to all of their friends, they were in the airport. By this time they had calmed down.
    Trying to get her mind off the sad things, Mabel tried to be positive by looking around at all the cool stuff in the airport. "Hey, Stan, look at these stuffed animals! And candies! And gum! And neck pillows! Please get us something! Please please please! Ooh, is that Starbucks?" Mabel begged for Stan to get her something. "Jeez, kid, I brought all my money and everything so I could get a place to live, not so I could buy some cheap things for expensive prices. If you want something like that, the Mystery Shack would be the place."
    Eventually, the family boarded the plane. They buckled up silently. They remembered everyone that they would be leaving. Dipper and Mabel would probably never even be able to visit Stanley anymore, or at least for a very long time. Soon, the plane took off. The family looked out the window, seeing all the buildings that looked small from how high the plane was. They could see every part of Gravity Falls now. The water tower, the diner, the forest, the shack, and all the other places.
    It was sad leaving Oregon. Not just for Stanley, but for the twins too. Dipper and Mabel had only spend some of that one summer there, but they had so much fun. Soos, Wendy, Candy, Grenda, Ford, even Pacifica...they had all bonded with the twins and it was hard to let go of them. For all Mabel and Dipper knew, they might never be able to visit their Grunkle Stanley, or even their friends in Gravity Falls again. Just thinking about it made them sad. Soos and Wendy wouldn't even be able to work at the Mystery Shack. In fact, the shack wouldn't even exist!
    For Stanley, it was worse. He had to leave America, for probably a very long time, maybe even for the rest of his life. He would have to leave all of the people that he had spent the last thirty years with. He even had to leave his brother, who he had finally reunited with. Leaving Stanford was like 1982 all over again.
    "Would you like something to drink?" asked the flight attendant. Stan knew exactly what everyone wanted, because that one soda was pretty much all they drank the entire summer. "Pitt Cola, please. For all of us."
    Mabel switched channels on the television until she found something she liked. "Guys, Crying Breakfast Friends is on!" she exclaimed. "Kid, why do you like that show? It's just a bunch of pancakes crying." "Because, Grunkle Stan, it's a work of art, just like Ducktective."
    Dipper, on the other hand, was reading Journal 2. He had taken it from the shack before he left and placed it into his carry-on. I hope Ford doesn't mind me taking this, he thought to himself. Hopefully he won't need it until after we return to Oregon.
    Stan was watching Cash Wheel, when he remembered something. I'm not allowed on planes! How did I...oh, wait. I was using Stanford's identity when that happened. That would mean he's not allowed on planes. Oops.
    After a few hours on the plane, it became dark, and almost everyone was asleep.
    They finally landed, the lights on the plane were turned on, and people were getting off. There was something different about everyone, though.
    "Bro-bro?" Mabel asked as she awakened. "Your eyes look really big and shiny."
    "I was going to say the same to you, Mabel," Dipper replied. "You look's weird drawings of him and Wendy. Like anime or something!"

Things are getting pretty weird now! I also made a Steven Universe reference. Heh. More coming soon! Well, probably.

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