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She can be stupid,
But she is really smart.
She can be extremely mean,
But also very sweet.
She has tripped and fallen over,
But always manages to get back up.
She is a special kind of special,
With a side of special,
And a dessert of special.
She is usually really quiet,
But is not at all shy.
She can act extremely crazy,
So crazy that people wonder if she's high.
She puts other people's needs,
Before her own.
She gets called selfish,
For wanting to achieve something in life.
She talks to herself,
Because she feels like no one else will understand.
She has four best friends,
Three are guys and one is a girl.
She reveals facts about her,
Through the poetry she writes.
She keeps many secrets,
Some are hers, but some are not.
Her weakness is
Trusting and forgiving easily.
She will hurt you,
But will regret it later.
She will give you multiple chances,
If she feels you deserve them.
She always seems to talk in code,
Yet doesn't give anyone the key.
She covers up her sadness with her smile,
Or one of her crazy goofy laughs.
She overthinks a lot of things,
And makes her own self mad.
She is pretty approachable,
And will have a conversation comfortably with a stranger.
If she gives you the look,
Assume your life's in danger.
She has constant headaches,
That make her really moody.
She likes being called pretty,
Though she won't believe you when you say it.
She was afraid of losing something that wasn't hers,
And even more terrified now that it's hers.
She loves owls,
And elephants too.
She can fall asleep listening to Ed Sheeran,
And wake up listening to him too.
She will listen to your endless drama,
And asks for nothing in return.
She can be really random,
Or extremely serious.
She can be your favorite dream,
Or your worst nightmare.
Her presence will make you happy,
Or make you wish that she would leave.
She will remain loyal until the very end,
And know that she only says she loves you if she means it.
Is me.

Love and Heartbreak Poems and StoriesTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon