Rock Candy

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Makeup screams a glittering rainbow mess

Black and raven-wing brows --his personal styles

He sings hearts broken and mends them over

And over again with smoky eyed band-aid smiles

Dripping concrete sugar --

Dressed to dominate, rock candy for the gay scene

A star so big even the closet couldn't hold him in

Boyfriend's so pretty, could be a Barbie drag king

Red carpet Romeo and Juliet in leather jackets

And matching skinny jeans.

Queen supreme wielding paints of vivid mattes

Shades of reds, blues and greens - alternative palettes

Smoking joints with a perfectly enameled pinky out

Expanding a kingdom of cruelty-free pouts

Adonis goddess of the indie playlists

Fingers skimming slender guitar strings

Acoustic-electric versatility you please me

Music to bring your Canadian pop princess

To her knees in x x ecstasy

Sapphic grunge urban bubblegum chic

Purple lips, black hair and hips so thick

they sway your body to the medley and glitz

your armor is all edges and patterned wrists 

Killer looks, kitten on a London catwalk

Lithe panther flair, and jaded rich girl talk

Her girlfriend lives on TV playing pretend

Genetic lottery couple, setting the social trend

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