Chapter 2

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Tick tock. Tick tock.
Seconds passed. Minutes. Hours. I really couldn't tell. Am I still on the floor? I think so. Who screamed? Why did they scream? I opened my eyes. I saw three people over me. Mom. Dad. A stranger.
Blackness consumed me again.
The gentle beeping of the heart monitor brought me into consciousness. A nurse bustled about the small room, occasionally squinting at me as if I was sending spit balls her way.
I watched her as she tidied the room, wanting to request a water, but not being brave enough to do so.
I looked at the wall and listened as someone walked loudly out in the hall.
The nurse sent me one last suspicious glance and left the room.
Tick tock. Tick tock.
Someone knocked at the door. I snapped my head towards it and stared. A man emerged from the doorway and smiled. I waved shyly and looked away.
"Hello, I am Doctor Manne. Are you Finn Dean?"
I nodded. I did not allow myself to say anything other than what is needed. Detail is dangerous. Detail lets people in.
"Are you aware of the fact you have been in a coma for a week?"
I shook my head, processing the information given. I have been asleep for seven days?
"Do you know what happened to bring you into this coma?"
Yes. I knew. But I can't tell. It will put the pack in danger. The grounds will be searched. They will be found out. I cannot do that to them. Not mom. Not dad. No one.
I shook my head.
Doctor Manne sighed and wrote something down. "I'll be back."
He walked to the door and left, gently shutting the door like if he shut it with any more force, I would explode.
I pushed the blankets off my legs.
It hurt to move, but that is to be expected. I probably still have silver running through my veins.
I got up out of the bed and wobbled to the window. I quickly began taking note of escape routes. We're only two stories up. I should be able to jump. Only a broken bone or two if I'm lucky. If I couldn't get to the window in time I could dart out the door, but I don't know how to get out of here. I've never been in a hospital.
I looked at the visitor log on the counter next to the sink. It was blank.
My parents haven't visited? Why not? Are they okay? Did they get shot too?
I took deep breathes, making sure I kept control of the situation. They were probably just busy. They couldn't always be there, they had duties; they had to take care of an entire pack.
I opened the door and glanced into the hall. The elevator was at the very end, right next to the bathrooms. I shut the door and sat back down on the small hospital bed.
I counted to ten. Twenty. Thirty. Nobody came back to check on me. The sun began to set. I stared at the bullet wound on my arm and sighed.
Doctor Manne knocked on the door and walked in. "Good news, you're allowed to go. We decided that you don't need to be monitored for the rest of the week. But, bad news is that you can't go unless a legal guardian comes to get you. And no family members have shown up or called except to give us your information and pay all bills beforehand."
He studied me for a reaction. I did not give him one. Instead, I kept a neutral expression.
"They wouldn't mind if I left without one of them."
"I'm sorry, Finn, but it's hospital policy."
I cursed under my breath, then sighed. I had to find a way to get out of here. I had to go. Hunters could be on my trail right now. They could easily kill me here. I'm too weak to fight back right now.
I can't depend on my parents to come pick me up. Worse case scenario, they're dead. Best case scenario, they've decided I'm not worth endangering the pack and left me here. Both are absolutely unimaginable, so extremely difficult to believe that it's laughable. They are possible, though. So very possible.
"Do you know anyone who is over the age of 18 that can legally take custody in case of emergency that can pick you up?"
"In that case we will have to hope your parents show up, then. One of the nurses will bring you dinner and answer any questions you might have. Enjoy your night, Ms. Dean."
I glared at the door as he left the room, leaving me consumed in silence yet again.
Lost in my thoughts, I didn't notice when the nurse entered the room. She set the plate of fries fish and mashed potatoes on the table, and tapped me on the shoulder. I whirled around and raised my hands in surrender. The hospital gown flew open and cold air hit my butt. I shivered.
The nurse apologized for scaring me and led me back to the bed. She smiled politely, but her eyes were filled with annoyance.
"Do you have any questions, sweetie?"
I didn't reply. Instead, I stared at her yellow, nicotine stained fingers. The smell of cigarette smoke came off of her in waves. Her hair was up in a ratty ponytail and her name tag, her name was Tracy, was crooked.
She probably didn't care about this job way too much.
I glanced at the tray, then back at her.
"None at all?"
"Can I have some normal clothes, please?"
Tracy nodded enthusiastically and left the room. I quickly shoveled the mashed potatoes into my mouth and began thinking of how to escape.
Tracy appeared again in 30 minutes with a stack of clothes in her hand. She handed them to me and turned around so I could dress.
I quickly pulled on the clean clothes. A plain black tshirt, jeans, and some beat up tennis shoes. It wasn't the best thing I've ever worn but it was infinitely better than the hospital gown.
After another thirty minutes of Nurse Tracy explaining my condition, she grabbed what was left of my food and departed.
Thank the gods. I was beginning to think the lady would never leave. It was getting hard to tune her out.
I waited in silence for the hospital to wind down. For people to begin leaving the hospital. Waited for people to fall sleep.
Then, I began my escape.
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