Chapter 4

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Blood was everywhere. The room smelt like metal and the air tasted like death.
This is my fault. It's all my fault. Why do I mess everything up?
I tiptoed up the stairs. If I was normal, I would be screaming. But I knew this would happen eventually. It was inevitable.
I took a step closer to the blood. My thoughts drowned me more than my guilt ever could.
Did I cause this?
Where is everyone?
Why did this happen?
A tear fell down my cheek slowly. This is all my fault. The smell of blood floated through the house. It was disgusting. Still warm.
I'm a monster.
I'm disgusting.
I'm the reason why this happened. If I was never born, they would have never died.
I looked up at the stairs. My parents lifeless bodies sat there. They were holding hands. Something was crumpled in my mothers free hand. I paced up the stairs, keeping true to silence, my new best friend.
I took the paper.
Stay safe.
Don't ever turn back.
We love you.
-Mom and Dad
I bit my hand to keep my crying from making any sounds. I left the house. I couldn't take it anymore. This wasn't supposed to happen.
My vision went dark, and I fell into the grass.
A scream. That's all I heard in this endless black. Then light began to appear. A woman dressed in blood red smiled at me menacingly.
"You thought you could stop me? Finn, you can't stop me. No one can. Your parents definitely couldn't."
The woman waved her hand and two large men stepped forward.
Where am I?
"Did you really think by making that deal with Kalhissi would give you even the slightest chance of stopping me?"
I tried to take my hands out of the chains with a yank. Nothing.
"Honey, what I'm about to put you through, is worse than hell. And you deserve it. Have fun."
My eyes snapped open.
A deal? What deal? I've never heard of anyone named Kalhissi. How would I find her?
"Finn. It will take time. But you will know. The prophecy has foretold it. You will face many hard comings and obstacles, and it is all up to you. You are to be at a crossroads my dear."
I turned slowly to see a woman with her eyes sewn shut and her hand outstretched to me. Her hair was in dreads and her dark skin was covered in scales.
A seer.
"Wh-what is the prophecy?" I gulped, trying to steady my shaking hand.
She began to give off a faint green glow. "The blood of two will break the pack
And fall she will and not came back
The deaths of her loved ones forever there
She must go and speak to the heir
And sacrifice memories without a care
Death will surround her many times
But the last will be hers not yours not mine"
I stared at the seer, who was now beginning to walk away.
She turned and her mouth curled into a frown. "Yes?"
"Can you tell me what that means?"
"That is for you alone to find out my child."
She walked away and slowly began to fade then, just like that, she was gone.
I wished that I could disappear like that. I allowed myself to recollect whatever amounts of sanity I had left. A small mercy.
I began to leave the home I grew up in for good. The place I took my first steps, spoke my first words, and realized how helpless and disgraceful the world is. That house was where I forged secrets and buried them in the deepest darkest corners of my mind, not to be touched.
Soon enough, I couldn't see it anymore. It was just another part of my past now. Just like my parents.
I tried to remind myself that I've always been alone. That being alone used to be my blanket of safety. But that didn't help. I was still lost. I still needed someone.
But everyone is dead, and they never cared for me anyways.
I soon realized my life was just a bunch of strings. Each one is something that I need to hang onto, but hanging onto them too much makes them break. The strings were always so delicate.
My socks were soaked from running through the rain. Why had I not turned into a fish? Was that just a one time thing? I didn't know. And I found that I didn't care. It wasn't worth the energy to worry about it.
Tripped over a few tree roots on my way into town, gaining a few bruises and scratched up legs in the process.
I made sure to keep the judging eyes of the people off me by hiding in the shadows as I made my way to an unknown destination. I looked up at the dark sky. I supposed it was about time I find a hotel room.
As I walked through the streets I looked for a cheap motel. Then I realize don't have any money on me. I'm helpless and broke.
But then I remember that the pack had a bank account. A small smile makes its way onto my face. This is the only good thing that has happened today. I go to the nearest ATM and enter the information and take out two hundred dollars. It should be enough to sustain me for a while, and it doesn't take away too much money from the account.
I made my way to the nearest fast food restaurant and got the biggest possible meal of chicken nuggets.
As I sat down I surveyed my surroundings. A single mother with two toddlers and a middle aged man munching on three orders of cheeseburgers.
I allowed myself to slightly relax.
The bell attached to the door rung and two people walked in. One female, the other male. They were in deep conversation. Their voices were vaguely familiar.
I didn't realize who they were until I listened to their conversation, and even then it took a while.
"The thing ran, James. She was too fast for us. And she wasn't at her house either."
"Lily I can't help that. All we can do not is hope the hybrid doesn't do anything rash before we find her and take care of her."
Lily sighed and nodded.
My eyes widened. I slowly crept out of my seat and walked to the door as they placed their order, and opened the door.
The bell jingled and they looked my way. I started to run.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 06, 2015 ⏰

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