Chapter 3

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The hallway was dark. It seemed to consume all light. At the end of the hall, the elevator sat. I looked around before darting towards it. I quickly pressed the button and tried to act inconspicuous in case of a guard showing up. I looked around, hoping my escape could be successful. Hoping I could get out of here. I cant stay. I can never stay.

They probably have taken blood tests. So many blood tests. I'm lucky there was silver in my veins. That made my blood seem more human. I still haven't drunk water, or anything, since I woke up. The nurse didn't bring anything to drink for me. My throat itched. I wished desperately for water. It never came.

I breathed in deeply, then out. The elevator door screeched open. I winced as the sound echoed through the hall. I rushed into the elevator. My footsteps quiet. Almost nonexistent. I pressed the button leading to the parking garage. It will probably be easier to escape from there, rather than the first floor which is bound to have guards.

I blended myself with the wall. Silence was my new best friend. The elevator door groaned as it went down. I was surprised it was still intact. I ran out of the death trap when its doors opened and immediately hid behind a car. Two people. Both smoking and leaning on a car. One was holding a gun. The alarms went off in my head but I held true to my new friend, good old silence. I did not scream. I did not cry.

"I hear the hybrid is here," the man to the left said. His silhouette was that of an average man, his voice was deep.

"I heard the rumors too, but that doesn't make it true." Female. Tall, skinny, her voice reminded me of someone. I couldn't see either of their faces. And the parking garage's lighting wasn't exactly first class.

"We have to check, though. You know this. It is our duty. The prophecy has foretold it."

"I don't give a rats ass, James. I'm not going to kill a kid just because some dream told me to."

"She isn't a kid. She is of age."

"Yes, but that doesn't mean anything. She's only shifted once, and she didn't exactly have time to enjoy it. Greg shot her and she went running. She almost died."

The man, who I assume is named James, sighed. " I don't want to kill her either. But we have to. She's dangerous. She could kill millions. I will remind you that the last hybrid almost brought our kind to the brink of extinction."

It was the woman's turn to sigh.

"Yes, I know. But that doesn't mean it's okay to kill her. How would you feel if I said I had to kill your daughter?"

The man didn't reply.

"Exactly. You don't want anyone to kill your kid, and I'm sure Alpha Nick and Storm don't want their girl killed either."

"But we have to."

She nodded. "Lets just try to make it quick for her. No pain. No silver, just a quick, clean death." She tossed her cigarette to the ground and stomped on it, putting out the remaining flame. Her companion did the same. The man pushed himself off the car.

"I'll go check the place out, see if this should be an easy job or not. If I'm not back in an hour, come get me."

My nose began to itch. Just my luck. My hunters are right in front of me, and I need to fricking sneeze. I wiggled my nose, hoping that it would stop the sneeze.
And just like that my cover was blown. With a soft little sneeze. Both of the hunter's heads snapped towards me.
I got up from my hiding spot and bolted. I ran towards the sound of rain and the feel of cold air hitting my arms. James and the woman were running after me, their footsteps falling in sync with each other. I shivered and goose bumps formed on my skin. This is where I'm going to die. In this disgusting, run down parking garage under a hospital older than dirt.

"Stop!" One of them screamed. I heard the 'bang' from the gun before I felt the bullet in my side. I did not stop. I kept running. Each step brought me closer to the exit. My pursuers chased after me. They were fast. I was faster. I pushed my legs and ignored the pain in my side. My throat burned, and I still haven't had water. Its a good thing I'm running straight into the rain, isn't it?

I felt the small droplets of water on my skin and smiled, almost forgetting that I was trying to get away as soon as possible. Almost. I opened my mouth to the sky and kept running . I ignored the tingling sensation in my legs, instead focusing on the sensation of water running down my throat.

The footsteps that were trailing me began to fade until I didn't hear them at all. I slowed to a jog and started to make my way to the pack house. To my home. Dammit, everyone there may be cruel but I care for them. I understand their hate towards me. I hate me, too. All I do is endanger the pack and eat their food. I don't deserve them, or their love. I'm not even sure I should even be able to breathe the same air as them. Probably not.

I glared at the ground as I walked. I listened to the birds sing into the early hours of the morning. Slowly replacing the crickets and the bullfrog songs. I hummed along with their music just to keep myself from thinking about anything else. To keep myself from thinking about the bad and only the good.

After about an hour and three falls into the mud later, I made it to the pack house. I went inside the huge building and looked around.
Everyone is gone. And there is blood on the floor.
What happened?

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