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 Alexis P.O.V

I groaned as I rolled over onto my back. What had happened? The world around me was spinning and all I could see properly was the weeping willow above me. I lifted up my arm and cried a little while doing so. Everything in my body was screaming at me to be careful, that this pain was accidental and I had no knowledge of what had happened the night before. I looked at my watch, all the beeps and buzzes inside of it were becoming apparent, the noises started increasing, getting louder and louder. 11:47 pm. Great. I turned back onto my side, wincing in pain while doing so and slowly lifted myself up. My entire body shook and I screamed in agony as my thigh started to burn. I stared down at it, blood flooded over my clothes and skin. Through my jeans there was a huge rip, scarlet liquid covered most of my pants and under the rip lay a gash in my skin. As I peered closer and closer at it, an outline of teeth appeared through the cut.

"I'm sorry about that, by the way." A woman's voice came from beside me. I looked across at her, just enough light was coming from the street lamps for me to see what she looked like. She had chestnut coloured hair all tied back in a messy bun, bright silver eyes and wore skinny jeans with a college jersey and cap. She sat with her legs crossed and arms in her jersey pockets.

"You did this?" I put my hand over my ripped jeans. She looked down, a deep shadow crossing her face but she nodded.

"I'm more sorry then you would possibly understand."

"You know most people would leave if their dog did something like this." She stared back up at me with a puzzled expression.

"But I don't have a dog." My eyes wondered. Was this a dream of some sort. Could this pain all be an illusion. Maybe I was in a coma! The teen stood up and held out her hand. I took it and she pulled me up. "This is more serious then you could imagine. Do you remember anything from last night?" I thought back. All I could remember was, my dad was there and there was something about a gun. The chick nodded. Did I just say that?

"Well, no. I just read your mind." My mouth dropped to the ground and I almost fell back down. My leg still burned and the blood continued to drip to the ground.

"Well, no offence but GET THE HELL OUTTA MY HEAD!" I stumbled back into a wall, loosing my balance from my sudden outburst. My head throbbed but I got back up and ripped a bit of fabric from my shirt and used it to cover up my leg. I walked back over to the psycho and pointed to the piece of burnt wall that I had just fallen into. What was going on here? I wake up at almost midnight with nothing but some chick there telling me she could read my mind and a giant rip through my flesh. Argh! This was making me mad! All I wanted was to know what was going on. This girl deserved to tell me that.

"1990. My birth." I nodded casually.

"Am I supposed to know what that means?" She rolled her eyes.

"Whenever a new wolf is born, a great fire is let out to signal more life. Its kinda a tradition." I opened my mouth to ask another few questions but was interrupted with...

"Wotcha doing with her Helena?" Behind the girl, who must've been Helena was a guy about 21. A few quick words, sex god. He was HOT! He had black hair, silver eyes just like Helena's and a pair of baggy jeans, and no shirt, showing his abs and many tattoos.

"Teaching, get lost Erick." Helena growled at him. Erick laughed and leaned himself up against a tree.

"Na, I wanna watch this." He shed a crooked smile, if I wasn't already going out with someone this guy would've been mine. Helena took a step forward and clenched her fists into tight balls. Erick walked forward a few steps and let out a snarl from deep in his throat. "Are we gonna give a demonstration?" He pursed his lips and crossed his arms, standing his ground.

"What do you want?"

"Well, daddy isn't happy about his little girl turning her." He looked at me, his silver eyes piercing into my skin. His eyes wondered towards the bloody sash covering the bite on my leg.

"What are you talking about?" I asked. He looked like he'd give me answers.

"You haven't told her yet? I would've, then probably make her work for her life." I turned towards Helena. "Tell her she's a werewolf Helena, go on! Tell her." Helena ran forward and in a few seconds a giant wolf was on top of Erick, attempting to rip out his heart. I blinked a few times then fell back onto the ground as I passed into unconsciousness and my watch beeping - midnight.

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