Here's the Deal

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Okay guys, it really upsets me when I go and write and no one votes on the chapter or comments and they just kinda read it and are ghost readers. like c'mon guys please read it and please vote and please be awesome and give me feed back. then i can see what you guys like about the story and what you dont and what you want me to change and so on.

Also, if Chapter2 gets 3-5 votes i'll post Chapter3 for you guys. Deal?


p.s. I HAVE A SURPRISE/ BIG NEWS FOR ALL OF YOU THAT I KNOW YOU'LL LIKE. I'LL TELL YOU ABOUT IT ON THE NEXT CHAPTER AND I KNOW YOU'LL LOVE ME FOR IT :) (I already told it to Harley and she's super excited so yeah guys! Vote and stuff and i'll post the next chapter! :D Deal? i love you! <3

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