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"End the conversation with her for the moment." He commands.

"Why?" I question.

"Because then she'll feel sad that you're leaving her and then she'll beg you to stay." He replies with a laugh. "She always seemed to be that way with me. She was so clingy... Holy fuck."

"I mean I guess I'll end the conversation..." 

"Tell her your mom needs help with something, chicks always buy that shit because they're all about helping their moms and shit like that."


I do as he says.

Jack Gilinsky:

:) Well beautiful, I'm gonna have to let you go. My mom needs me to help her with some stuff. When I get back, I'll introduce you to Madison Beer. DON'T LOOK HER UP WITH ME OUT OKAY? ;)

Aislinn Ryaen:

Okay. I'll talk to you later then.

And don't worry, I won't look up Madison Beer. I'll wait till you introduce me to her.

Jack Gilinsky:

:) Later and good ;)

Aislinn Ryaen:

Bye. Lol. Ttyl

Jack Gilinsky:

Bye beautiful :)

She reads my message but doesn't reply back. I turn around and look at him.

"There, I stopped talking to her, happy now?" I ask him, slightly annoyed that just when mine and Aislinn's conversation was going good, he made me stop talking to her.

"Yes, I am very much so. Now okay remember, you can't fall in love with her because if you do you loose the game."

"Yeah, yeah... I know."

"Now, I gotta get home to the girlfriend. She's waiting on me if you know what I mean." He winks.

I roll my eyes. "Okay, later bro."

"Later." Then he leaves my house and I honestly couldn't be happier. Yes, we're best friends. but I don't appreciate the way he treats girls. He acts like they're hearts are toys and I don't know what I was thinking when I agreed to his stupid bet... Just as long as Aislinn never finds out, I think we'll be okay.


Three days pass by rather quickly. I spend a majority of my time talking to Aislinn. We both know so much about each other and it's almost as if we've known each other for years when we've barely even know each other 84 hours. I am absolutely in love with talking to her because she's an amazing person and I enjoy her company. She's just all around amazing and great. It's just sad to think that eventually she's gonna most likely find out, I'm hoping she doesn't, about this bet I made and I feel like as soon as that happens I'm gonna loose her forever. And all these great times we are having together, will be gone and I won't be able to get them back because I'd be the one who fucked it up that she would not be able to forgive.

Aislinn Ryaen:

Are you okay? :(

Jack Gilinsky:

Of course I am. Why?

Aislinn Ryaen:

You aren't being your usual perky, flirtatious self.

Jack Gilinsky:
I'm okay, I promise. I just got a lot on my mind.

Aislinn Ryaen:

:( I'm sorry.

Jack Gilinsky:

It's not your fault so don't worry.

It is most definitely her fault.... Though I would never say that to her personally. If she wouldn't be so unbelievably perfect, I wouldn't be in this predicament right now. I don't want to loose her trust just because I made a stupid bet with my best friend over a girl.

Aislinn Ryaen:
Okay. So what's up?

Jack Gilinsky:

Not a lot just laying here talking to you.

Aislinn Ryaen:

Same haha. I really like talking to you.

Jack Gilinsky:

Me too. ;)

There's a pause in our conversation where Aislinn once again only reads my message but doesn't reply back right away.

Aislinn Ryaen:

:( I just got called into work, I'm extremely sorry.

Jack Gilinsky:

Nah it's totally fine! :)

Aislinn Ryaen:

Okay :) I'll talk to you after I get off work.

Jack Gilinsky:

Sounds like a plan then :) Ttyl

Aislinn Ryaen:

Ttyl. :)

I wonder how much longer it'll take to get her to fall for me....

a/n I'm fr so tired rn lol i'm going to bed. goodnight guys <3 i love you :) another update will be coming for you guys tomorrow! :) i love you all stay beautiful.

-Shelbs Lynn Horan Jolinsky Rupp T-K

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