Chapter 2 - Riley

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I knew they were up to no good when I first lay eyes on them.They were nothing but overrated stuck - up children with no clue about the real world. But the thing that hurts the most is that we are too. Georgina and I lived our lives in a mansion. With maids and cooks and everyone did everything for us.It was no worries and no cares for us. Georgie was pampered and her hair was styled and I could relax and have the tailors make my suits and I could wear them around the house. Then mum died, and everything changed.

We had to look after ourselves, the staff quit because no one would pay them (I had no idea they were paid, I just thought they liked being helpful) and then we were kidnapped. We could never cook breakfast without help let alone live on a desert island by ourselves. However Shelby and Charlie seem to be alright, I guess they're still in shock but I can tell Georgie hates them too, I hope she does anyway. Well, it doesn't matter if she likes them, because we are going to get off this island and we will never have to see them again, besides she would never disobey me, I am her older brother.

The next morning we were stuck, we had nothing for breakfast and we were so hungry we could probably eat eachother's limbs. "There must be some food somewhere" Shelby remarked as she was scouring through the bushes looking for berries. "Even if you do find fruit, how do you know it's not poisonous?" Charlie remarked weakly, he was probably exhausted from running in circles all night trying to find a suitable toilet. "you don't, you just have to trust your insticts and take a chance." I said trying to sound adventurous but I don't think anyone noticed.

"Maybe there's some food on the other side of the island" Georgie said, trying to think positive. "do any of us really have the energy to go trapsing after food that might not even be there?" I said, bored out of my wits, I had no intention of going, I didn't want to and I wouldn't and neither would Georgie. Shelby and Charlie could go, they could go and get eaten by wild animals for all I cared, they were being no help at all, Georgie was the one getting her hands dirty and I was the one getting my trousers dirty by sitting on the stupid sand.

"let's go for it" Charlie exclaimed excited, he was getting on my last nerve, I would rather die of hunger than going. I would rather eat fast food for the rest of my life than go. I would rather call the maids by their first names, or even talk to them nicely than go.

"see, this is why, I didn't want to come" I said "It's not that bad!" Georgie replied trying to climb to the toop if the tree. "NOT THAT BAD, I AM UPSIDE DOWN FOR GOODNESS SAKES, WHAT WOULD BE A DISASTER? IF I WAS IN A SHARK TANK OR IF I WAS SURROUNDED BY VICIOUS ANIMALS WITH RABIES AND THEY BUT MY HEAD OFF????" "yup, pretty much" she said, calm as usual, I hated that about her, no matter what the situation was, no matter how dire or life threatening it was she was always calm and never got stressed about anything.

"Ok, think, there must be people on this island, there was that bird we saw with the arrow in his chest, and now this, someone must have made this trap." Shelby was trying to be a sherlock and now she was ignoring the most important thing. ME. I was upside down, I could feel the blood rushing to my head and suddenly I crashed onto the ground. "Is that better Riley?" I could hear a voice above us all up in the trees. "ugh!" I grunted, getting up and shaking myself off.

"Look!" Charlie said and we all turned our heads to where his pointeing and saw a figure darting through the trees. Without thinking everyone run like headless chickens towards this man. We could see his trench coat floating up behind him, he was running faster than ever and we were all tired within five minutes. However when we stopped, so did he. When we started to walk, so did he and we couldn't guess who or what he was. So we started running again, we ran towards a lake in the centre of the island. We smiled and kneeled down to drink, at that moment we all felt a thump on our heads and everything went black.

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