Chapter 3 - Charlie

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Ok, one abuction in my lifetime, that's my limit! Why is it me? Why am I so appealing to abduct? So after the four of us were beaten on the heads (which was very unnecesary if you ask me) and taken away. Next thing we knew we woke up in a jail cell with bones instead of iron bars and the floor was completely made of soil. Georgie was the first to panic, she was screaming so loudly that our eardrums practically burst with all the noise.  I had no idea she could be so dramatic, I guess Riley was surprised too burt he soon sorted her out. "GEORGIE!" He shouted over the screams "CALM DOWN" Riley continued "we're still in the same position as we were before! We have no idea where we are, no idea of how to get home but at least the guards, if there are any, will bring us food and water!" Everyone was silent because we knew he was right, this was a better position to be in, unless, I thought, they starve us to death.

Now Shelby was hyperventilating, she was claustraphobic and sharing a tiny cell with three other people hardly made it better. She slowly retreated to a corner and closed her eyes, I think she was trying to imagine she was somewhere else, anywhere else. Before I could think any more we heard footsteps down the passageway and saw a woman giving out food to the prisoners. Most of them were just shriveled bodies, barely strong enough to take the food. I didn't want to end up practically dead on a crazy island in a creepy jail cell when I was barely a teenager!

We had to get out, but we all knew that. And we all kew we couldn't get out without getting cought when the guards were patrolling the corridors. When the woman finally arrived to us she tilted her head slightly as if she wondering what we were doing. There's no surprise there! Riley was quietly meditating in one corner, Shelby was rocking back and forth in another, Georgie was rolling on the floor, still kicking and screaming, and I was sitting at the door trying to break the bones which constructed the door.

The woman was wearing a green uniform and had jet black hair. She had clear grey eyes which looked lifeless even thought the rest of her body looked completely healthy. She was pale and her fingernails were painted black, they were probably about 2 inches long! She smiled suddenly and said "come with me" She opened the door and led us out. We walked through the passageway and looked in the cells, all the prisoners were clinging to the bars, some were weeping and some were smiling as they laid their heads back against the stone walls.

We were led into a dark room full of cameras and screens (I had no idea where we were so the idea that they had electricity in what I assumed was a desert island surprised me) and each of them was monitoring a single cell. There were about a hundred people watching the prisoners and when one died they pressed a button labelled TERMINATED.

Why we were brought here was still a mystery to me and the woman kept us walking till we reached the end of the hall and there in  throne sat a man, with blonde hair and ominous green eyes wearing a tatted black trench coat.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 14, 2011 ⏰

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