In The Kitchen

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As you and Amy entered the Kitchen, you immediately grabbed the ingredients needed to make the special treat for your Doctor. Amy grabbed mixing bowls and water and stuff needed to prepare the foods.

~~-(time skips brought to you by The Doctor poking Rory with a stick)-~~~

As you and Amy finished up with the cooking, you decided to grab a plate and bowl for the foods. Amy cleaned up every dish and put them away as you laid out the fish fingers onto a tardis-shaped plate and poured the custard into the bowl that you grabbed. "The Doctor is going to love this (y/n)!" Amy said smiling at you. You nodded. "I can't wait to see him happy." Then you and Amy heard the Doctor from the other room yelling at Rory for screwing up something. "YOU BLOODY WANKER!" You guys hear and you two just laughed. Amy heard you snort cutely and you blushed. The Doctor heard you guys laughing then you snort and he smiled softly. "Awww.." The Doctor thought. Rory looked at him and smirked. The Doctor then glared at Rory. "Go get the screwdriver!" The Doctor said to Rory. "Alright geez you psycho maniac..." he grumbled as he walked away to grab The Doctor's screwdriver.

Amy looked at you and smiled. "Ok. I am done here." She said. "If you need me just call." She said as she was leaving. "Ok I am going to finish up the touches." You said as Amy left the Kitchen back to Rory and The Doctor to help them finish up. As you finished up the final details on your masterpiece of a food, you decided to get some tea for The Doctor as well (which you made while you guys cooked). You pour the tea into a tea cup and set it down next to the plate of food. You then walked out to show The Doctor your work you made just for him, the special treat: Fish Fingers and Custard.

Eleventh Doctor X Reader: Fish Fingers and CustardWhere stories live. Discover now