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>>>>Pic of Holland's dress to the side


"So he...he fell asleep?" My friend, Mary questioned me a little tipsy as I finished explain what happened earlier tonight while Char and our friend Brittany, listened as well.

"Yesss! H-h-he fell asleep before I could even loosen his tie. I mean, c'mon am I really that unappealing?" I slurred a few words clearly more drunk than Mary.

"Aw, hun, you know you're sexy as hell!" Britt patted my shoulder while I downed the rest of my martini.

"You know what we need?" Charlotte spoke up. "Shots!" She yelled over the loud music.

We all cheered before letting out a bunch of giggles." I'll go get them." I said to which they nodded.

I made my way to my bar, trying to get the bartender's attention. "Shots of tequila, please. Keep 'em coming." I ordered.

"You got it!" He said before quickly making some other drinks.

I could feel someone's eyes on me and I turned to my left to see who it was.

I couldn't help but gasped a little at the gorgeous site.

This was seriously the most sexiest man I have ever seen.

His hair was spiked and strikingly black, and looked like he ran his hands through it repeatedly. His amazing cheekbones led to a strong jaw lightly covered with stubble that had just grown over the last few days. His eyes were a gorgeous hazel and I felt like he was looking into my soul. Last but definitely not least, his body...oh my God.

He had long legs so he must be at least over six feet with enough muscle to make me feel insignificant in the best way. I could only imagine what was under that black shirt and leather jacket.

In all my gawking, I totally forgot he was only a few seats away from me and could definitely see me drooling over him.

My fears were confirmed when he raised an eyebrow and a smug but totally sexy smile began to play at his lips.

I gave him a smile before grabbing the tray of shots and walking back to my table.

After we all downed them, Mary taps me on the shoulder."There's a hot guy staring at you at the bar."

I flipped my hair over my shoulder and look over at the bar to see it was the same guy from before.

"That was the guy I was telling you guys about earlier!" I hissed, turning back to all.

"Damn, he's gorgeous." Britt breathed out as she looked at him.

"You should just marry him instead of John." Charlotte joked but she didn't know how right she was.

"I think marrying John might be a mistake." I confessed softly.

It felt so good to let that out, I've been thinking that for weeks.

"What?!" Both Mary and Britt shouted while Char just gaped at me in disbelief.

"Are you fucking serious, Holls? I've telling you that for months and then you finally realize I was right all along only a month before the wedding!" Charlotte was absolutely pissed.

"What the hell brought that up?" Britt asked.

"You guys want the truth?" I bit my lip, nervously.

They all nodded quickly."I've been thinking about it for weeks. I just thought I was having wedding jitters, you know. But as the weeks past, I feel even worse."

Wedding Gone WrongWhere stories live. Discover now