4. Tiny Sparks Of Destiny

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Jade P.O.V
"Un-effing-believable." I said in my thoughts as I saw the auburn-haired boy enter the same Math class I was in. I dazed out the whole argument between him and Mrs. Mitchell. I just sat there in disbelief. "He must be the new guy" and other murmurs were heard from my classmates. I never got a good look at his face, but damn. I should have definitely apologized to that chiseled jawline of the Grecian god who was making his way over towards an empty seat right beside me.
I put my head on my desk before he got a good look at me. However, I must have been a few seconds late of his sudden realization when I felt a light tap on my shoulder and turned around to see his hazel eyes staring at me.
- I hate when people stare at me, I get nervous and feel uncomfortable as I have no idea what they could be saying about me on the inside.-
"You dropped this Jade." he said as he placed my textbook on my desk.
Oh God, did he just call me by my name. I think my brain just exploded, to hear that coming from his lips.
" I will not fall for him or his voice." I said to myself.
I snatched the book out of his hands and placed a disgusted smirk on my face and scooted my desk and chair away from him and pushed my hair out of my face and placed it behind my ear. I went all of math class without looking back at him. I grinned with satisfaction.
* * *
My victory.... Was cut short when the Chemistry period started.... The teacher decided to place the class in groups of two, since some of the students were behind in class. My partner was, surprise, surprise.... Jonathan Stone.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 16, 2015 ⏰

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