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Brooke's POV:

I sat in the car not speaking a word. I was mad at Ashley. Why didn't she come pick me up and bring me home before I passed out? My dad was going to kill me when he found out I didn't sleep at home last night. I really need to get a dorm so I can have my own privacy. Ashley has a dorm with two beds and two desks but she lives alone because not that many girls enrolled at NYU this year. I could easily just move in with Ashley so my dad didn't get pissed at why I was getting home so late. I made a mental note to talk to him about that today.

As Ashley pulled into my familiar driveway I got out and walked straight to the front door. I tried to find my keys in my purse while Ashley finally built up the courage to say, " Im sorry. Im so so so so so sorry!!!!! I left Eli's Bar last night because I was a little tipsy. Not as bad as you apparently hahaha but anyways this guy gave me the idea to get a tattoo....."

My head popped up to face her and my eyes lit up. I was shocked.
" Do you have a tattoo?!?" I asked laughing.

" Yes. It was a really dumb decision; but at the time it sounded fun!!The guy was really nice and said it would look hot on me!! " she said.

" Well let me see it!!!!!" I giggled.

She turned around and pulled up her white long sleeve shirt to reveal a butterfly tramp stamp. She turned back around and said " Shhhh!! Don't tell anyone! It's so embarrassing! But after I got the tattoo it hurt really bad so I just went back to the dorm and passed out. Then the phone woke me up and you said to come pick you up. I was getting up but it was 2am and I couldn't find the strength to actually get out of bed so I fell asleep again. Im really sorry you had to sleep in that assholes house." she said.

" Thats okay Ash. I was mad at you at first but now that you have a tramp stamp , it makes up for it." I smirked.

She laughed along with me as I finally managed to find my keys in my purse

" What guy made you get a tattoo anyways?" I said whiling turning the key in the lock of my door.

" His name was Liam. He's friends with the bartender: the guy who's house you slept at last night. Thats why he was at the bar."

I opened the front door and we both stepped inside.
" Oh." Is all I said. If he was friends with that bartender, I don't see how he could be a nice guy compared to him. The bartender was hot like really hot but he was rude and cruel. I told him things last night that I don't even remember and I don't even know his name. Ugh annoying. I pushed him out of my head while my mom came running to the door and said, " WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN YOUNG LADY? I was worried sick about you! You just left without saying anything and you never came home! You cannot do that while you live in my house. "

" I'm sorry mom! It got late and I slept at Ash's dorm. " I said lying... " I should just move in with her. It would be so much easier not having to drive more than an hour to school everyday."

" It ok, just call at least next time. And honey, I always thought that was a great idea but your father on the other hand doesn't think that. You and him can talk about that when he gets home from work. But you should shoot him a text saying you are okay. He was very worried about you." she replied.

I sent the text and under my breath said 'how did you notice me gone since you were fighting so much?'

" What honey?" My mom said.

" Oh nothing." I said

" Ok. Well since you girls don't have work or classes today how about you go see a movie or go shopping until your father gets home to talk about the dorm situation." She said.

" Sounds good to me." Ashley said after being so quiet while my mother and I were arguing.

Ash & I proceeded to walk back to her car and drive to Times Square. We shopped for about 4 hours and only got lucky at Pacsun buying about 5/6 things each. After we got tired of shopping, she drove me back to my house so I could talk to my dad. She waited inside the living room playing with my brothers as I spoke calmly and collectively  towards my father. I explained why I wanted to live in a dorm so bad and after an hour, he finally said yes!!! I immediately emailed NYU about moving in with Ashley. Hopefully it wouldn't take more than a day for them to accept or deny my request.....


Hope you guys are enjoying it so far! Let me know if you want me to suggest music at the top of the page to listen to for each chapter! :))))

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