four ( FOUR album haha see what i did there)

21 1 0

I woke up on my living room floor laying next to Ashley with the TV still on from last nights movie. I immediately checked my email, anxiously waiting to the dial to stop spinning and pop up an email from NYU. I looked at time, 7:37 am. My first class today was not till 8:45 so I had to leave my house in  ten minutes in order to drive an hour to school or I would be late. As the dial kept spinning I became more and more excited. 'How were they going to say no?' I thought. 'Ashley has an empty bed,closet, and desk in her dorm, I could easily move in with her.' The dial finally stopped turning and there it was, NYU Dorm Situation email. I skimmed through the paragraph and it said I could move in with her as soon as I wanted! I squealed, waking up Ashley and telling her the news. She was beyond excited that we were finally going to live together,  as was I.




A few hours after my Marketing Class, I drove home with Ashley and she helped me pack everything in both cars, hers and mine. We drove back to NYU with my parents and everyone helped me set up. It took only two hours before everything looked perfect. All my books were on the right shelf, my desk was organized, my bed was made, my clothes were in the small closet, and my best friend was by my side. My parents ( as corny as they are) decided Ash and I should take a picture in the dorm. We walked over to each other, " and in 3..2...1... SAY CHEESE!" my mom said. "Cheese!" we both replied laughing.



My parents then decided to take Ashley and I out to dinner after all the hard work. We went to Wellingtins: a very fancy Italian restaurant. We all ordered different kinds of pasta and enjoyed every single scrumptious bite. After we ate, I hugged my parents goodbye for real. I wasn't going to see them everyday as I used to. I wanted to live in a dorm so badly that I didn't realize how much it would hurt saying goodbye to them for months. As my parents left us, Ashley said she wanted to get a drink to celebrate. We of course went to Eli's. As we walked in the small bar, we immediately walked over to "our" table. But, it seems as though people were sitting there.

" Lets just sit over there..." I said calmly to Ash while pointing across the room.

"Oh no. This is our table and I'm not letting these guys sit here." she said.

She walked over to them and non politely said, " Move it boys. This is our table." Pointing back and forth to me and herself.

" I don't see your name written on the table, love." the chubby, greasy, brown haired man said inspecting the table....

" Just let them sit here mate. There is a big couch for all of us to sit on over there any ways. Now C'mon." the blonde haired boy said with a cute Irish accent.

" Ugh, you pleaser Horan." the rude man said as all 7 of them walked over to the large grey couch.

  " Thank You." I whispered/mouthed to the cute guy who just walked across the room for me and my friend.

He smiled then joined back in the conversation with his friends.

"What do you want to drink? I can go get it for you." I said.

" Uhh I will just have a Corona please."

"Alright" I said walking over to the bar completely forgetting that the bartender was that rude British man.

" Not only are you a slob drunk, but you are a brat too?" he said while shaking some metal bottle.

" Excuse me?" I said.

" Well you just kicked those guys out of " your" table. You have only been coming here for a month. And, you are a freshman. Who do you think you are?" he said.

Naabot mo na ang dulo ng mga na-publish na parte.

⏰ Huling update: Dec 12, 2015 ⏰

Idagdag ang kuwentong ito sa iyong Library para ma-notify tungkol sa mga bagong parte!

Catch Me (h.s.)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon