Chapter one....

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Grown a custom.

I hope you read and enjoy. After this, I have plenty more stories//novels to type up!! Vote! Comment! And Fan! I'll return the favour promises! And the image You see is of malrice and a certain girl that you the readers get to know a lot about. Read on. Feel free to comment about it.

Chapter 1

<> ringtone <>

Tinie Tempah


Ma phone rang. It's a girl. Sharia. That won't leave me alone.

I answer...

"Sharia, Its 7:00, what do you want this time." frustrated.

"saarr-ry gosh" she tuts.

"what do you want," I asked trying to calm myself.

"nothing.... I just wanted to hear your voice"

"ok. Now hear my voice saying goodbye- wait. How did you get my number," eager to know so this won't happen when I get my new phone.

"Jamal. and Marshae had it as well but I didn't know."

"what", In raged.

"Who gave her my number," I asked.


"Jamal." In frustration.

Jamal is my best bud.

He's been in my life for three years he knows me better than anyone one in my life. He knows what makes me angry. I hate when a girl I like takes he's number from me. This has happened once before he gets real pissed. And the one thing he hates is the same thing. If he finds out,

"he tried to move to me (tried to get my number) so I cut him off and asked for your number..."

"you what," pulling the duvet off my body. "He's going to roast me. What made you do that," I asked, raising from my bed and sat up.

"no he won't", Sharia states, ignoring my question.

I've had it, "the guy likes you! And you're asking for my number," I just had to say it. Don't care if I exposed Jamal.

"yea and," girls like Sharia don't seem to understand how soul crushing that is for a guy to hear. When a guy wants a girl so bad, then "yeah and" rude girl.

But still that means Jamal's swag is and can never be better than mine.

Sharia is so fine, Everything she's doesn't for her shape, swag, demeanour is perfect but stupid.

She has no sense of what goes on in this world except her own freaking world.

I can't, you can't even take her serious no one can. She hangs with the honey I want to have and be with so if I don't corporate she might just say shit about me to Marshae. Arrrrrw Marshae. She is the duness in my whole school. I need her. I don't know how to explain it. I just need her.

"he's going to fucking fight me, you want me excluded, Thanks lots Sharia"

"you're welcome" in a warm voice.

I cut the phone.

Kissed my teeth! DUM BITCH! Pardon my language! I ran into the kitchen and washed the plates. Jamelah came down stairs and into the kitchen still in her nightie trying to annoy me.

"make me food" in a demanding voice.

"go to bed" demanding back, without eye contact.

"MAK-MEE-FOOD," she exclaimed.

"NO." shouting back.

She starts punching my leg. It was hardly Mike Tyson blows, it didn't hurt so I just let her... in the kitchen, in the living room. Then she got tired and screamed moms name, running up the stairs.

I grab my ADIDAS COLOUR coat and jumped out my house. I grabbed my bike, nervously. I rode to Jamal's court (house) to see if he was really going to kill me.

When I get there, I buzzed his number and he took a lot of time to come down. Suddenly, the doors flew open, and Jamal was ready with his bike.

"Jamal what's good," I asked with a hand out for a nudge.


"Oh sh*t."

I jumped on my bike and rode to school as fast as I could.

I look back.

He was on my tail.

Like a dark house.

I slip and slid through the cars in the road avoiding trouble behind me.

"Stop man," I yelled. Don't think it helped.

"Never," he shouts back. It didn't.

He chased me all the way to school.

I got to the gate and asked John to chain up my bike.

I ran, I look back, he was right there behind me inches from me, reaching to grab the hood of my coat. Running as fast as I could dodging people at the same time.

I pass the corridor still running. Heavy panting came with no delay. My last look back came before I turned a sharp corner, Look back...

"OH SHI*T!" I thought.

I bumped into a girl. Everyone laughed. I haven't seen her here before. My turned stomach queasy. Was it guilt? I felt sorry. I mean causing so much attention on her that she showed a mask of hate over her face.

"Shit. Sorry." I state again involuntary.

Was all that came out of my mouth as I grabbed her hand and helped her up. She wore a puff daddy coat. You know the ones that puff daddy use to rock in videos like bad boys and so on. I wonder why she wore a skirt in this weather. It's winter.

She had a pissed face. I couldn't blame her. Her glasses were cracked.

"your glasses are-" she cut me off.

"first day my first phreaking' first day," In an upset voice. Close to tears.

He got me. Jamal shoved me towards a wall holding my collar, with both his hands.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING MAN," shouting trying to apologise to the mystery girl.


"naar man am lost," playing dumb.

We stared at each other. I wasn't going to go down on this fight. If one was going to happened. It will happened. Ill take him out dead. I smile crept on his face.

He let go of me and backed up, he laughs, pointing at me as to say, he was joking.

I knew he wasn't.

Just one of these days.

I smile and bite my bottom lip staring down at the floor.

I look to my left.

The girl was gone.

"you are a Wasteman,"

"I got you bad man yah,"

kissed my teeth.

"you tripped up a girl," He laughs, it continuously loops like a siren. He nearly fell to the ground.

"shut up man. Come let's go tutor".

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