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Claire trotted inside the bungalow, Owen, Zach and Barry had had a long first part of the day as InGen workers had showed them around the facilities and the different feeding programs and a few other things that had to be done daily in the new reservoir.

The woman pushed away a few shirts from the shared bed she had with Owen and finally found the ringing radio/phone that Owen had stolen from Andrew's office; with a quick movement, she grabbed it off the bed and answered it.

"Hello?" she answered, she scratched her forehead as she waited for someone to answer on the other line.

"Oh god" whispered a voice, sending chills down Claire's back "Claire?"

"Bea?" asked Claire, a frown forming over her face as she dropped her hand from her forehead. "Are you ok?" Claire felt her heart stating to race as she heard people talking behind Bea "Where are you?" barked Claire, when she got not answer from Bea.

"I think it's Isla Tacaño" gasped Bea's voice and by the tone in it, Claire knew that something terrible had happened "You need to come, there are things here, dangerous ones!"

"Ok, listen to me!" Claire forced her voice to become steady but she could feel her free hand shaking "Stay by the beach, I am going to find Owen and help and you are gonna be fine!" but Claire heard voices, male voices, and she wasn't sure if Bea was paying any kind of attention to her.

"Bea, can you hear me?!" cried Claire, but she got no answer from the other side "BEA!" roared Claire, she was starting to pant, she felt sweat rolling down her face and her neck and her back and her chest "We are getting help ok? You guys just stay safe!"

"Claire" whispered Bea's voice, and the way the words came out of Bea's mouth froze Claire's blood, something was terribly wrong.

"WHAT?!" Claire couldn't hide the horror in her anymore, but as Bea was about to answer the message was cut short as the phone signaled failed partially ending the call. "BEA!" cried Claire, she looked down at the phone and screamed with terror as she threw the phone back over the bed and started to run out of the bungalow.

Claire pushed the door of the bungalow open and rushed out, almost tripping over her own feet, she looked around, scanning the area for Owen; with her chest rising and falling Claire took a deep breath and started to run down the trail of the bungalows.

"OWEN!" screamed Claire, her eyes darting around madly "OWEN!"

"Claire!" said Zach, as he stepped out of a small room where an InGen guy had showed them they had the documents of the reservoir. "What's going on?"

"Where's Owen?!" cried Claire, she stopped next to her niece but looked around "OWEN WHERE ARE YOU!?"

"What is all these screaming?" cried Barry as he walked from around a corner, behind him came Owen "What's happening?"

"OWEN!" cried Claire, she ran around Zach and rushed towards Owen, but the former raptor trainer didn't need words, he knew.

He knew by the way Claire was on the verge of tears, he knew by the way she was screaming for him that something had happened.

That something had happened to his sister.

"What happened?" cried Owen, he grabbed Claire's shoulders and she looked up at her, Barry and Zach standing next to them with worried expressions on their faces.

"Something happened to the boat!" cried Claire, Owen's face lost all its color "She said they were on the island that it was dangerous!"

"Is she ok?!" asked Zach before Owen could, Claire turned to look at him and her lower lip trembled.

"I don't know"

Claire turned to look at Owen the instant she felt his hands drop from her shoulders, Barry looked at Claire and asked the crucial question no one had thought of.

"Isla Tacaño or another island?"

"Isla Tacaño" answered Claire.

Owen turned on the ball of his feet and without a word he started running down the street towards the tech center, Claire called for him but there was no stopping Owen now; Zach turned to look at Claire and after glancing at Barry he dashed after Owen.

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