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A small and maybe not very exciting chapter but its a necessary one!!! I hope you enjoy it and thank you for all the votes and reads!!!! :D You guys are the best!!!! <3


Bea walked next to Zach behind Barry and Owen and with Andrew a few steps behind the couple; the young woman had her hand entwined with Zach's and as they hiked to get to Lowery, Bea felt safe like she hadn't felt in a long time. The tall trees casted shadows as the group walked through the jungle and provided with a good cover from the sight of dangerous creatures, but those same trees also gave cover to the threats that were following the group.

"We are almost there" explained Owen, Barry leaned in to look at the map that Owen was holding and nodded as he whispered something to his best friend; Bea watched closely and wondered what they were talking about.

"I hope they are thinking of ditching Andrew" she found herself thinking, she looked down at her feet, horrified of what she had thought "Don't think that" she barked in her mind.

"Are you ok?" asked Zach, Bea turned to look at him, and smiled.

"I'm fine" she tugged him towards herself and planted a small kiss on his cheek "Thank you for coming for me"

"Always" he whispered.

From behind, Andrew watched with disgust as Bea kissed Zach; that Zach kid didn't know anything about Bea, he was sure Zach didn't know about Leo because he knew Owen didn't know.

"You don't know her like I do" thought Andrew as he walked behind Zach and Bea "You don't know what I do know"

Andrew frowned as he watched Bea whisper things to Zach, he had been wanting to meet this girl since Hoskins had asked him to investigate her past and to be honest he had found her fascinating since the first day; fascinating in a way Zach would never be able to find her.

Andrew looked up at Barry as the group walked up to a place that looked awfully familiar to Andrew; he wondered how Barry did to hide something so terrible from his best friend, keeping that secret had to be a big burden and that made Andrew feel better because he knew the secret and that meant he could help Bea were Zach couldn't.

"Bea does.... Started Owen, he turned around to look at his sister but Bea had already let go of Zach's hand and was running towards her brother and then past him and Barry. "Where are you going?!" cried Owen as he spin to watch his sister running towards something that looked like...

"A dead Compy?" asked Barry, he walked up to Bea as the young woman looked away from the Compy and scanned the area.

"I killed it" explained Bea without looking at Barry "We were here, we...

Bea didn't finish her sentence, she started running once more, her back pack slamming against her back as she dashed towards a few huge leaves, all the boys watching her as she ran around like a headless chicken until she disappeared behind the leaves.

"Bea!" called Zach, he trotted up towards the Owen and Barry.

"BEA!" cried Owen and for a moment he was tempted to cry out her real name but restrained himself when her voice echoed back to them in the name of Lowery.

Owen threw himself forward, running up the trail his sister had disappeared behind, with Barry and Zach following him and Andrew following them not very enthusiastically.

Owen pushed away the huge leaves and the clearing with the Tech Center appeared in front of him, his sister running a few feet in front of him, he ran after her as he watched her drop the back pack behind and gain speed.

"Jesus Christ are you a gazelle or what?" Owen barked in his mind as he continued to give chase to his sister.

"LOWERY!" Bea screamed, she reached the broken window and grabbed the window frame, small shards of glass piercing up her hand painfully but Bea barely felt it as she pushed herself up and kicked her feet until she fell inside the Tech Center painfully.

"Fuck" she whispered as she rolled to her left side, glass jamming itself up her arm and her legs once more, she did feel it this time. "Oh fuck" she grumbled, she heard her brother call out for her but she pushed herself up over the broken glass and then stood up and limped towards the room she had left Lowery in; blood rolling down her leg and arms.

"Bea wait for me Jesus Chris!" barked Owen as he climbed over the window frame and landed gracefully, his shoes crunching over the glass. Barry and Zach reached the window rapidly and Barry helped Zach inside and he followed as Andrew reached them.

If someone had tried the door they would have realized that it was now opening easily.

"Lowery!" cried Bea as she pushed the door open savagely, the door bouncing against the wall and Bea felt her heart sink.

The room was empty.

"What?" she whispered, she turned around and found Owen in front of her "Where is he?"

"What?" asked Owen, he looked over her shoulder and found empty bottles of water and a back pack.

"I left him there" she whispered, her eyes scanning the surroundings behind Owen; she frowned and turned around "LOWERY!"

"Bea what the... started Barry as everyone reached Bea, but the young woman pushed everyone away and dashed towards the other rooms she had found when she had been with Lowery there.

"LOWERY!" she screamed and dashed into a room with old computers "God damn it Lowery where are you!?" at the back of the room Bea saw a small door, something that could have been a bathroom and rushed towards the door; her mind forgetting about Zach, and Barry and Owen and Andrew.

The young woman wrapped her hand around the handle and yanked the door open to find Lowery pressed against the far wall of the small bathroom; for a split second the pair looked at each other and while Lowery saw relieve on Bea's face, she saw a mixture of relief and horror.

"They're here" he whispered as Bea knelt down and crawled to her friend.

"Yes, I'm here, I told you we would find you" whispered Bea, she reached to touch Lowey but his words froze her mind and body.

"No" he muttered, his voice shaking and still in a whisper "The hunters"


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