5. Meeting of the Blade

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It was around 11 AM and I had only just come out of the shower when I heard the banging on my door. I peered out the door to see that no one was there, but that the people were all headed somewhere. So, I quickly stepped into some black baggy sweatpants and a tank top and put my slightly wet curls into a ponytail so they would be out of the way. For a moment, I just watched from my doorway.

Before my shower, I had slept in, opting to skip too early of a breakfast since last night Barsad told me that all his training sessions would start at 1PM from now on. I guess he liked sleeping in like me. I would eat just before we met up, but I had a feeling that whatever was happening now might put a dent in that plan. I only followed the crowd when I saw Talia walk by with that horrible woman from lunch a few days ago. I hadn't seen her since, nor did I care to.

I had just caught up to Barsad as we entered the room. We stood in one of the training room balconies overlooking the scene at hand. People were entering from all the different doors, stepping down the stairs and making their way to the centre of the large room. It was the same room from before that had all the men fighting with swords. I think it might have been the largest in here.

"What is this? What's going on?" I asked Barsad as I came up beside him.

He turned to look, noticing me standing there for the first time. He did not look happy to see me. "What do you think?" He asked me bitterly. He stopped walking and took me out the way of the line.

"This isn't ..." I began. "The assembly?" I asked him. "...The meeting of the blade thing?" I exclaimed. I took Barsad's silence to mean that I was correct. "Oh crap," I said in defeat.

Then I turned to him. "Wait - you knew about this since yesterday. You told me to be careful."

"Yeah well I got a heads up from a friend."

"OK", I nodded. "So what do we do?"

The people that were brushing past us were moving towards the centre of the room. So I decided to do the same. I started to walk forward downstairs, but Barsad pulled me back by my shoulder.

"Sienna. Do me a favour and just shut up and stay out of sight," He warned before letting me go.

I think that might have been the first time hearing him say my name. I nodded. Finally, Barsad gestured for me to move forward. Then we both descended down the steps together.

Not today. Not today. Please not today, I said to myself.

Barsad had me off to the side watching. People had already filled the room and made a circle. It was up to the rest coming in, to make it bigger.

I didn't seem like that much big of a deal. People were turned to each other chatting. They seemed relaxed. I looked around at all the people here. I noticed there wasn't as many people here as I had originally thought there might have been.

As Barsad and I stood side by side, a man came up to him and patted him on the back in greeting. I waited for him to pass before I turned to Barsad.

"How many people train here?" I asked.

"Currently...About 60 or so," he replied.

Ever since my first I assumed there where always people all over the building, hiding out somewhere or doing there own thing somewhere else. But seeing all of us together, realized there weren't really that many at all. My old middle school had more people than this.

He took his eyes of me for only a second, before someone brushed between me and another person. The other person stayed where there were, while I was knocked forward. Guess I was that light.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 08, 2018 ⏰

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