Hiding In The Shadows

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The pale light from the rusty post glints against the man's jet black hair. His eyes dart back and forth between the brick walls surrounding us, searching for something in the dark area. His fingers begin to turn snow white as his grip on the wood stake tightens. As he raises his right arm slightly, the ink decorating the light skin of his wrist becomes visible for a slight moment, and the thought of the danger I have gotten myself into hits me like a brick.. Looking for something hidden in the shadows, his hard gaze moves to the darkened wall of the alley's back. The heavy footsteps of the man echoes against the walls as he inches closer to the shadows.

I take a cautious step back, leaning against the cold bricks. I will the shadows to conceal me as it had done for so many other moons and I will my lungs to stop and silence my breathing. Feeling my heart begin to beat against my chest, I press the palm of my hand into the flesh of my chest. The man slowly gets ever so closer and I dare not to move an inch. I must be as still as a statue, yet my gaze never strays from the thick cut of light tanned wood.
Clenching my eyes, I dare not look any further at him. The rasp of his breath rings in my ears so loudly, it feels as if he is right on me. The hairs on the back of my legs raise as his dark green eyes seemingly look into mine. Even as a lock of my dark black hair is pushed into my face, my arms remain straight at my side.
My mind races as the danger gets ever so closer. The thoughts of what that man may do to me run through my mind and cause me to clench my eyes shut to an almost impossible degree. The image of this man mutilating my limp body fills my head, forcing me to move slightly from the tingles that move down my spine. I must get out of here before something happens, but I am virtually pinned to the wall. Suddenly, everything goes completely silent and my chest tightens. My eyes slowly open and I see the man directly in front of me. His dark green eyes are staring right at me, or even dare I say, through me. Thoughts of how he can't see me in the night's darkness fill my mind.

He cannot, must not, find me tonight, for if he does I will surely die.

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