The Day I Wanted to Cheat

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On that cool autumn day, I was going to do something I would regret for the rest of my life. I was left on my own in the calm surrender of a trip outside of town. My wife trusted me. But someone had tempted me to an almost unspeakable level.

Her light grey eyes wandered around the empty train carriage, save the two of us. Long, dark brunette hair draped down her slender shoulders as she shifted into a comfortable position on the stiff seats. Her long legs were stretched out to the bottom of the seat in front of her, making her tan skirt riding up at a treacherous rate. Dark red lips were pout out slightly as if waiting for a kiss that may never happen. I couldn't take my eyes off of her for a single minute. My hands clench together, the skin of my knuckles turning a pale white. I fought every fiber of my being telling me to sit next to her, to make an excuse to lay my hand down on the silky smooth skin of her thigh. I took deep breathes in of the stale air as I fiddle with the thick silver ring on my left hand. The room grows warmer as I think of how her delicate lips would feel against mine. Tugging at the collar of my light blue button up, I straighten up in my seat. Her gaze finally locks onto me, and my heart threatens to beat out of my chest.

Her mouth moves and begin to speak to me yet I don't take in her words. I finally tune in and hear her voice softly asking if I would like to sit by her.

I stutter out my agreement, almost falling to the hard floor as I stand up. My legs feel like Jello as I inch my way over to her. The aroma of lilacs becomes stronger with each step I take. I finally plop down in the seat beside her, a large sigh escaping past my lips.

She asks me if I am traveling alone with a soft smile that make my palms sweat. I can't help but notice that her teeth are perfectly straight and the purest of white. Her skin is a pale white, reminding me of the fresh powder of the first snowfall.

All I can do is just nod softly. My nimble fingers carefully slip the ring off of my finger and into my coat pocket. I tell her my business partner had a prior event and was unable to join me on this trip.

That's a shame. She tells me as her soft lips turn down into a slight frown. The cool skin of her palm rests on my wrist, and she gives me a small shred of comfort.

It's fine. I thought it would be time that we get some time away from each other anyways, I tell her as if there was nothing wrong. No way was I going to tell her that my 'business partner' was the woman I married. I went on to say, but it is good to not be solitary on such a long journey.

We continued our small talk and I finally managed to calm down to a reasonable level. My heart settled to a quick yet not racing pace and I finally wiped the last of the moisture from my palms onto the rough cloth of my slacks. Over time, the young woman has shifted in her seat, allowing herself to lean towards me. Every few minutes she would flutter her eyelashes or tuck her thick brunette locks behind her ears. Once I noticed her glancing down at my lips, I knew I had to make a move. When would I ever get this chance again?

I slowly leaned towards her. Her light perfume filled my nose, and I inhaled deeper. Resting my left hand on her cheeks, I felt how hot the skin had become. I now realize that she had to have been blushing during our conversation. My eyes met hers and I realized that dark gold specks decorate the inside of her irises, and light freckles line the top of her cheeks and down the bridge of her nose.

Without wasting another moment of thought, I pressed my lips against hers. The woman leaned in and actually kissed me back. The faint flavor of a bitter red wine hit me as I deepen the kiss. Her plump lips danced between my own, pulling me closer to her. Without breaking apart, her legs moved onto mine and she pulled herself onto my lap.

So by now, I was a married man on a business trip with a beautiful woman on my lap that I had the great opportunity of kissing. I was happy.

Unfortunately, that did not last long. An attendant barged into the carriage and immediately locked onto us. The man's dark eyes widened as he spotted our predicament. She slipped off of me without a word, and sat back in her seat. Her grey eyes locked onto mine with sadness. I nodded once and slowly made my way over to a different carriage.

Pulling out the ring, I ran my thumb across its simple etchings. My eyes shut and I rest my head back on the seat. I whisper softly the words I knew where engraved on that ring, the three words I used to hear everyday from my wife. I love you.

I couldn't believe what I had done. How could I have let this stranger take over my emotions? I love my wife! A sigh escaped past my lips as I thought of how our life had been recently. Both of us were busy, stressed from work and honestly, we hadn't seen each other in a while.

It was at that moment that I vowed to never even think of cheating on my wife ever again. And I have to his day never broken that vow.

I wasn't going to publish this one but DMR kinda convinced me to finish it so here, happy now?

Hope you enjoy it :)

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