Oh Daniel...

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The wood floor creaks down the hall, making my temples throb. My palm presses to my eyes as the morning sun breaks through the dust coated window. A wave of nausea runs through me, making me grip to the armchair. Following the sounds, I slip through the threshold and my eyes lock onto an older woman. Her ash grey hair was pulled into a tight bun at the crown of her head and she clutched tightly to a thin lavender shawl. She turns slowly and looks at me. Her light blue eyes gleam as she looks at me. The corners of her lips tug up into a solemn smile, "Daniel."

"Who are you?" I ask her, my brows furrowing with confusion. I have never met this woman in my life. But something about her eyes drew me to her. She takes a step closer and reaches up but doesn't touch me. I glance down and a flash of something glimmering on her chest grabs my attention. She must have noticed my change in demeanor as she reaches up and grabs the object, pulling out from her dress. My eyes widen as they fall onto the worn gold of the heart shaped locket. Recognizing it, my hands clench into tight fists as I yell at her, "Where did you get that? That is mine!"

"Not anymore." She shakes her head as her hand grips the necklace. "The man I love gave this to me a long, long time ago."

"That can't be!" I spit the words out. "I was going to give that locket to my girlfriend today. I just had it yesterday."

Her gaze softens at my words. "No, you didn't."

"Yes, I did. It's ri-" My hand slips into my pocket, finding nothing but air. My eyes widen before I glare back at the old woman. "That can't be, my locket was right here. You must have stolen it from me."

"Daniel." Her hand presses to her chest as her gaze looks me over. "It's me."

The longer I look at her, the more I recognize. The same button nose, rosy cheeks, slender fingers, bright blue eyes. "Babydoll?" I stammer out. I step towards her and wrap my arms around her, but they pass right through her like a thin fog. My gaze falls onto my hands with pure fear, "Darling?"

"I'm sorry." The beginnings of tears form in her eyes. She turns and shuffles off, going right through me. I press my hand to my heart as I watch her slam the front door behind her.
I groan softly as I lift myself up off the dust coated floor. My temples throb as the sunlight glares into my eyes. The floorboards down the hall creek as light footsteps echo off the empty halls. I follow the intruder into the old office and my gaze locks onto the elderly lady. I sneer at her, "Who are you?"

Her bright blue eyes gleam as they turn to me, "Oh Daniel."

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