| Chapter 2 |

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We were in his room for a while, just playing simple board games and stuff when Tamaki threw the door open.

"Honey Senpai! We've been looking all over for you! Where on earth have you been?!" Honey looked at him like he was confused by the outburst.

"Tama-chan, I've been with Y/N-chan in here the whole time." I blushed and looked down at my black and white skirt. "She's been really fun too!" He giggled.

"Thank you miss Y/N, your shift may be over now," Tamaki bowed and opened the door for me. I nodded and smiled, waving back to Honey Senpai.

"Of course, thank you." I said. When the door closed behind me I whimpered. I was really enjoying spending time with Honey. He was so adorable. Honestly Tamaki is such an idiot. My legs wobbled as I slid down the wall to sit down. I jumped up when I felt a soft hand on my arm.

"Ah!" My breathing hitched when I saw it was Honey.

"Y/N-chan, I didn't mean to scare you but could you show me your room? I wanna see what it looks like!" He smiled, squeezing USA-chan in his small arms.

"I live off campus though, are you sure it's okay with the Host Club?"

"Yeah! I already asked them yesterday!" I sighed and nodded.

"Okay then, let's go." I blushed and realized that he could've asked any other girl, but he chose me.

Honey Senpai X Maid!ReaderDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora