| Chapter 3 |

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Before we left, Honey gave me a new outfit to try on before we headed to my place.

Of course.

For one, my bust size was way too large for the chest section and my ass pretty much stuck out from the skirt. Oh Honey, such a pervert. I walked out of the dressing room, a slight blush coming over my cheeks as Honey-Senpai nodded. He grabbed my hand and we ran to my apartment.

"Honey-Senpai, why am I wearing this exactly?" He smiled and winked.

"Are you sure you want to know?" He asked seductively. Wow.

"Nevermind..." He giggled and jumped onto the sofa. I walked over to sit down beside him only to have him grab my wrists and pull me down onto his lap.

"H-Honey!" My face was burning as he pulled my lips closer and closer to his.

"Yes, Y/N?" He breathed onto my lips as his eyelids drooped.

"I-I umm-" I was cut off by his forced lips onto mine. I eventually started kissing back, placing my hands on his small chest. He wrapped his arms around my waist, biting my bottom lip. I giggled and denied him access. He stopped and looked at me. Then he started pouting. "Real mature," I sighed and smashed my lips against his, leaving them open for his tounge.

He took his chance and forced it almost all the way down my throat making me gag. I let out a soft moan and scooted closer to him on his lap.

Beep. Beep.

I pulled away panting, and gasping for air. Honey just stared at me. I sighed and started to climb off of him but he gripped my ass under my skirt making me gasp again. He let go and looked at the ground kinda sad. I laughed quietly and checked my phone.

'Theres a party at my place at 9 pls come i need to talk to you xoxo' It was a text from my friend Callie. I smiled and responded quickly.

'can i bring a plus one?'

'Idc, just come.' I grinned and looked at Honey,

"Are you up for a party tonight?"

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 23, 2015 ⏰

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