Chapter 46

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Chapter 46 .

Jadah pov
4 days later

Me and August decided to not to get married so soon. I believe we was rushing into things. It's 3:00 in the morning and Little miss Danielle just crying her little soul out. Me and August(sometimes) only get like 2 hours of sleep.

"August please go get Danielle." I say tired asf.

"Nooooooo." He say putting the covers over his head.

"Please?" I whin.

He let out his anger and get up to get Danielle. I smirk and lay back down. Like 2 minutes later Danielle finally stop crying but she woke AJ up😩😩😩😩.

"Mommy I can't sleep." He whin and rubs his eye. I guess he thought he could just get in the bed with me because he just got up in the bed and laid right beside me.

"Uhm sir..." I say tapping on him and sitting up.

He don't even move and just start snoring. August walks back in with Danielle and she start back Crying again😩

"I didn't sign up for this." I sigh and lay don't face first.

"So you saying you regret having kids?" He asked looking confused with a pissed look.

"What type of shit.... August I never fucking said that!" I say. He had me bent.

"Who you yelling at?" He asked still rocking Danielle on his shoulder.

"August... You have me fucked up. Go take your medicine or shut up."I say calmly.

He lay Danielle down because she finally stop crying. She's finally sleep😌

"You know what I'm not going to listen to this shit." He say walking off towards the door.

"Yeah that's right run like a little boy like you always do." I say with an attitude.

"Fuck. You." He spoke sticking his middle finger up.

"What. Ever" I spoke sticking my middle finger up back at him.

He slams the door and surprising Danielle didn't wake up but AJ looks at me with his perfect blue eyes 😍

"Daddy's a Moron." I say looking at me.

He laughs.

Minutes later I heard the front door open. I shake it off and kiss AJ cheek and we go to sleep.


12:30 pm

Me and AJ and Danielle wakes up and I wash them up and then take my shower. I look outside and August car isn't there. I start getting worry but more so pissed that he just leave me here with a new born child and a toddler like that. I'm so done with him. But Stephen texts me.

Stephen Curry 💛💙: Yall busy?

Me: Nah.

Stephen Curry 💛💙: Me and Riley might stop by. We had to go to Bi-lo

Me: That's fine.

Stephen Curry 💛💙: Okay, is now okay?

Me: Yeah that's perfect.

Stephen Curry 💛💙: omw now.

I straighten up the living room and get Danielle Car seat and put her on the floor near the chair. AJ plays with Chloe and Danielle. August 😒 text me.

Baby 💍: You finally got your shxt together?

Me: You finally got YOUR shit together?

Baby 💍: I guess not..

August pov

Okay yeah , I didn't stay at Sheila's house last night. I went to Hoe number 5 house. Yeah we fucked and yeah I'm still over here. I got Anger problems and instead of hitting Jadah I just go cheat on her, that will hurt her even more then hitting her dumb ass. The doctor gave me some medicine to take for my anger or some shit but I some times don't take it whenever I'm about to have sex. Ain't nothing like Rough Sex 😂💦

"Come back to bed baby." Destiny say biting her lips looking sexy asf 😍

"I'll be in there in a little bit baby." I say as I text Jadah

Me: When I get there you better have your shxt together before I hit you with that act right.

Wifey 💍: You with another bitch ain't you? && plus you have to wait 6 weeks idiot.

Me: My momma isn't a bitch and I don't give a fuck. If you need to get hit with that act right then it's going to happen.

Wifey 💍: Don't play stupid August. You're not over your momma's house. & and yeah we'll see.

Me: Okay.

She hates whenever I hit her ass with that 'Okay"😂. I go to the bedroom and Destiny is laying down fingering herself💦.

"Somebody's horny." I smirked biting my lip and getting on top of her and kissing her roughly and removing my boxers and inserting myself in her.

Jadah pov

Stephen and Riley comes over and August is still not here 😒. But AJ and Riley go to the other room and play but I have to keep a good eye on him because he be mackimg already 😂.

"She's beautiful, just like her mommy." Stephen say flashing a smile at me with though perfect green eyes 😍and then tickling Danielle.

"Thank you." I say smiling.

"Where's Aug?" He asked scooting closer to me.

I look at me with a little nervous look on my face and take a deep breath. Stephen Curry may be perfect but I refuse to do shit with him as long as August is on lock 🔐

"I don't know actually." I say scooting a little way from him.

He then start kissing on my neck and playing with my right boob.

"Stephen stop." I say moving his hand and getting nervous.

"Be quiet." He say biting his lip and gently pushing me back on the couch and pinned me down.

"Steph-" I try to get out but me insert his tongue in my mouth as he cut me off.

"Daddy!" Riley say in disgusted

"Go play with AJ baby." He say then continuing to kiss my neck.

Riley look at me as she see then I'm crying because her daddy is about to rape me, Stephen then move my right hand closer to my left hand over my head and hold them both as he use the other hand to go down my shorts and rub my clit. Luckily August start unlocking the front door and Curry stops and hurry to get up as I get up quickly and get myself together. As August opens the door I ran over to hug and started crying as I rest my head on his chest.

"What's wrong?" He say looking at curry and holding me.

August Alsina and Jadahdoll love storyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora