Chapta won

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The young girl sat on her couch, hugging her Giraffe close to her body. She could here her mom, and dad Screaming bloody murder at each other. She whimpered, and cuddled her Giraffe close to her tiny, fragile Five year old body. "I WISH I NEVER HAD ANY DARN CHILDREN! All they do is Spill food, and make lotsa noise." "SILENCE DAVID! THEY'RE ONLY CHILDREN. THEY DO THAT KINDA STUFF!" "Oh Pa-lease Mary-sue! I don't need any of your false lies!" "And what're you gonna do about it?!"

Suddenly The little girls door swung open Violently.


David shouted as he held the chair tightly in his fist.



(A/N) The next scene has been edited due to vileness, and despicablity.

Four years later the little girl, known as Natalie; was nine years old. She sat on her floor chowing on frootloops. Her brother burst into the room. The girl known as Natalie briefly heard her fathers yelling and whining about the economy, and bull hockey like that. The girl known as Natalie locked at her brother, Lucas. "I HAVE A BROTHER?!" The girl known as Natalie shrieked. Lucas grinned smugly at his new sister "Is dads yelling bothering you?" The girl known as Natalie scoffed. "Naw, Ah Thunk you'n me both r used ta his yellin ba now." He gittered, and giggled violently. "Well? What do you want Douche bag" The girl known as Natalie asked, yelling slightly. "Well, ya know how ya wantesa be like a teenager right?" The girl known as Natalie slightly brightened up suddenly. Lucas Giggled violently. "MWA HAHAHA I IS TE VILLION!!!" Lucas yelled at the top of his lungs.

Later that very same year, The girl known as Natalie did not say a word. She went to school. She had no idea what evil things her newly discovered Villainous brother could possible even do. She had no idea that everything could hurt, but it did, and do. Natalie went to school, and looked troubled. The teachers discussed her behavior, and decided to leave her alone. "Didn't you here? She was the one with the Villainous brother!!!" All the teachers screamed, some even jumped out of the Windows, and went running down the streets screaming like a lunitic. The girl known as Natalie wouldn't tell anybody of her Villainous brother. Nobody would know, nobody did know, Nobody should know, Nobody shall know, nobody will know, nobody could possibly know, and so, nobody shall now.

The girl known as Natalie returned home, only to find Lucas waiting for her. "MWA AHHAHA I IS STILL TE VILLONIOUS VILLION OF DEM ALL!!!! RAAAGH!!!" Lucas chased The girl known as Natalie around screaming and rawring like a dinosaur. "Stop it Lucas! Or I'm telling on you!!!" The girl known as Natalie cried.

Nobody, would know.

At school, She had to tell someone. So she walked up to the girls she had never seen before in her whole life. "Hey.. um... Mia?.... I have something to say to ya." The girls seemed to pull, little smirks that The girl known as Natalie didn't notice, because she was looking at her reflection in the window. "It's... um.... uhhh..... been happening since I found out I had a brother." Mia, and her possy all looked at each other with glee. "Sure, alright, you can tell us, what's up?" The girl known as Natalie didn't know that they were starved for gossip. "Well... my brother... he teases me for being Like, You know, Sooo different, and cool!" Natalie had tears in her eyes. Mia, and her friends thought. 'I can work wit dis' the next day it all popped up on All sorts of social media. "THE GIRL KNOWN AS NATALIE IS A SLUT!" Most of em said. Others said "The girl known as Natalie is a Whore!" the girl known Natalie cried, she had never heard such profanity, directed towards herself. She was always the center of attention, and people always loved her. "NOBODY'S EVER BULLIED ME!!! WAAAHHH!!!!" The girl know as Natalie sobbed. Later at lunch the lunch ended up getting her her hair. Especially her friends. They're lunch got in her hair too. (Had to keep that original bad grammar.)

3:00am, school night. Her Mom was going to make a sandwich. The girl known as Natalie, was sixteen. She was playing angry birds in her phone. she was finally calm, and happy. She had been taking the special pills her mom did. They made her forget about her Villainous brother, and Chair wielding father. The girl known as Natalie's mother had slept with many of the schools principles, so The girl known as Natalie, was on the Honor role.  She didn't like to study, but she did like to draw, and whine. So she did, in excess. David, The Girl known as Natalie's father, was still going on about The economy, but The girl known as Natalie just flat out could care less about, that bull poop.

(A/N authors note) thank you so much for reading my Comical remake of clockwork. :)
I truly hope you enjoy it. <3

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