Chooptu Thre

111 5 14

The girl known as Natalie slammed her hands down on the counter. A thread and needle in hand. "No... No... I can stay strong. I don't need to hurt myself.... no.... I'm... I'm doing it... Because I want to!" The girl known as Natalie smiled at the mirror, and said. "You know what I love?... MACARONI ART!!!!" And she started sewing her mouth up piece after piece, cut after cut, chunk after chunk. The girl known as Natalie then realized she was just ripping up her face with the needle. Chunks of flesh aren't supposed to just come off like that. But since she'd never handled a needle before, the stitches were poor.

The girl known as Natalie then screamed in pain, and passed out, head going in the toilet. The girl known as Natalie hadn't noticed her mom standing behind her while she was sewing her face. Mary-sue the girl known as Natalie's mother screamed, and also passed out. Mary-sue the girl known as Natalie's mother woke up, and dragged The still unconscious girl known as Natalie to the car. "You need therapy!" Mary-sue the girl known as Natalie's mother told The unconscious girl known as Natalie.

The girl known as Natalie woke up in a therapists office. "Hello miss.... Omelet?" The girl known as Natalie nodded. "I'm mrs raving cookoo Esquire. My husband is a well known doctor in town." The girl known as Natalie's hand had gone up to feel the stitches, but found nothing but bandages. "Oh those? Your mother took you to the emergency room, like a responsible parent, and got those nasty stitches removed." The girl known as Natalie, removed the bandages that covered her face. The Therapist winced. "Yuck...." Mrs Cookoo Esquire muttered. "What?.... do I scare you?" The girl known as Natalie asked head cocking to the side, trying to look frightening, and crazy. "No, Miss omelet. I think they didn't clean those stitches good enough." The girl known as Natalie twitched slightly. "The girl known as Natalie isn't here anymore!" The Therapist looked at The girl known as Natalie. "Uh.... huh... ok... I'm gonna go into the other room. Here are some crayons. Draw some pictures while I'm gone."

As much as I would love to say that the therapist came back, and helped The girl known as Natalie, because then I could finish this piece of crap, and make something more interesting. But I'm obliged to tell yo the whole stupid truth. *Sigh* FORTH WALL BREAK!!!!

The girl known as Natalie just sat there. Perfectly still, perfectly silent, and perfectly perfect Cuz she's "A SPECIAL LITTLE SNOWFLAKE" . Soon the Therapist walked back in, with The girl known as Natalie's mother and the girl known as Natalie's father in toe. Everyone had strange looks of their faces, sad looks, even her abusive father for no reason looked sad. The girl known as Natalie got up, and followed her parents out of the therapy room. The girl known as Natalie fell asleep in the car. She could hear her voice, it sounded like it was echoing from eternal darkness. "Macaroni art..... Your Time is up...." The girl known as Natalie shot awake, and tried to sit up. She was held bondage. "LET ME GO!" The girl known as Natalie screamed and fought against the restraints.

A totally not cliche doctor walked into the room. "Oh no... not another one... Hello miss Omelet. I am doctor Raving Cookoo Esquire. Your parents tell me that you're a stark raving lunatic. Is this correct?" The girl known as Natalie refused to respond. "We're going to give you some "Mental drugs" Please, hold still." (Look... It was so stupid I had to keep it in ok?) The doctor then placed a mask over The girl known as Natalie's mouth, and she fell into Unconsciousness. The girl known as Natalie woke up to a horrible sight. Doctors were injecting things into her, and rubbing things on her skin. She was entering a rare state that some people go through, where the mind is aware, but their bodies aren't able to respond. But she was able to, because she's special, and beautiful, and your supposed to want to be her damnit!

The girl known as Natalie slipped from her bonds, stood on the table and said. "BY THE POWER OF GRAY SKULL, I HAVE THE POWER!!!" (I'm gonna be honest.. I was watching He-man when I wrote this section.) Suddenly her eyes started glowing green, and she immediately got super strength. The girl known as Natalie roared out, and frightened all of the doctors away. They ran away like frightened deer. Suddenly The Girl known as Natalie felt her heartbeat quicken. She then passed out on the cold tile floor.

When The Girl known as Natalie woke up, she was in a hospital room. The doctor was seated next to her. The girl known as Natalie harbored unfounded hatred towards the doctor. "We have no idea what happened back there, but it certainly was a break through in medical science! I think we'll call it Special snowflake-itis" The doctor cheered. The girl known as Natalie jus glared and growled. "It certainly did have an effect on your appearance as well." The doctor handed The girl known as Natalie the over used Cliche, and she looked at herself. Her hair had gone from a beautiful auburn, to an ugly Brown. Her eyes had gone from their beautiful hazel, to a bright lime green. And worst of all, they were glowing. The girl known as Natalie smirked. The stitches were still in her face for some reason, but for some reason she liked it. The doctor looked at her questioningly. "Miss Omelet, It's really not that bad... I'm sure it will wear off eventually." The girl known as Natalie shot a look at the doctor. "Wear off? Are you kidding? I finally look like myself, I'm perfect!" Said the walking cliche. The doctor was now afraid of the drastically smaller, and weaker teenager. "Mr Doctor? Do you like sandwiches?" The. Doctors razed and eyebrow. He pressed the button below his chair, and called for security. "Y-yes... why?" The girl known as Natalie cackled wildly. "ONLY BECAUSE YOU'RE SOON TO BE ONE!!!" The girl known as Natalie laughed as she picked up the man, and tossed him where she once lay, and bent the bed into a... SANDWICH! DUN DUN DUN!!!

The security guards ran in and saw the bloody mess that was before them. The girl known as Natalie lay dead in a pool of blood. The doctor held a gun in his hands. "I couldn't keep listening to her. She kept narrating her dumb story to me. She even called me a sandwich...." The security guards shook their heads. "There seems to be more and more nut jobs every day, huh?" All three men nodded to each other, and dragged the girl into the incineration room. They poured her remains into an Urn. The doctor went on to tell the security guards about the crazy dumb girls story. "It was called, Clockwork: Your time is up:" he finished. Both guards shared looks. "Uh... why was it called Clockwork?" The doctor shrugged. "Beats me. It was just a dumb Creepypasta, what can you expect."

The end

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I would Absolutely love it, if this got a dramatic reading on YouTube..... but that's just a dream.

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