Speed Stacks

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Your POV

I arrive at school at 7:45am and go to my classroom(section Aaron) and sit down next to Jimin(since my guy friend sits next to me in reality) and we start praise and worship, as we were singing Jimin held his hand out signalling me to give him gum(which I always do) I give him the gum and he just smiles

After P.A.W

We had math class and took a test I was confused at number 1a and asked Aliah(my close friend) about it but she just raised her shoulder saying "I don't know" then I look at Jason(my seatmate in the left) and I said "Do you know the answer? Can you teach me?" And he said "Why the fudge are you asking me are you crazy?" He said jokingly and I turned to Jimin and asked him "Do you get number 1a? Can you teach me?" Then he replied "Nope can't" Then i replied "Plsssssss" Then he said "Fine.....*explains*" "Oh ok tnx" I said happily then answered it but got wrong

Recess Time

Me,Jason and Yousef go to the 2nd building and i kept them there to secretly spy on Jimin in the office(cause he is the son of a teacher) and then Yousef caught me looking at the office and said "what are you looking at Ed?" I replied "Oh nothing......" then i whisper "I was just looking at Jimin" Then he laughed, the next thing i saw was Jimin looking at me from the office, I immediately lower my head to not be obvious.

Civics Time

Jason started to joke around me saying i was adopted but I'm not but then Jimin joined in and then i tickle him in the waist then he grabbed my hand harshly(cause he is a basketball player) and i just dont mind I use my free hand to tickle him in the neck, we went on for a few minutes and i really had a good time until Kirk joined in and stole Jimin's attention making me annoyed, I called Aliah and threw her a paper saying "I'm A bit Jelly over Jimin and Kirk" she just laughed at me and threw me a thumbs up

Recess Time

Jimin was playing with my speedstacks and i was so mad with my score in Civics with 4/10 and 9/25 i kept punching the walls and my knukles were red so i decided to play speedstacks also, then dyellan joined in and got them from me and i was just so pissed cause of my score then this guy i said "give me that back" with a serious tone then he just ignored me then i shouted "GIVE ME THAT BACK!!!!!" Then he hurriedly gave them to me, a few minutes later the teacher came in, i put my speedstacks on the container and went back to my chair, pissed, then Jimin gets the speedstacks from me and i accidentally shouted at him "GIVE ME THAT!!!!" He immediately shot a glare at me making him mad, a few minutes later i just realised what i did and felt so sorry for Jimin I really want to say sorry but I'm too shy so i decided to say it to Aliah and say sorry to him tomorrow.

So guys im just gonna continue this tomorrow cause im still gonna say sorry to Andrei for shouting at him accidentally i just feel sorry that i shouted at him for no reason, im gonna continue this tomorrow night to continue my apologies to him this is how sorry i am and just made this into a story cause i thought it would be a good idea xD LOVE YA GUYS~!!!!

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