Chapter Four - Sprouts of Anger

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Chapter Four
Sprouts of Anger

Pebbles rolled and skidded under Flowerkit's paws as he clambered down the steep path that led down into ThunderClan's camp. Ashenbird, walking beside him, steadied him occasionally, but Flowerkit's paws were heavy and his limbs ached with weariness. He kept glancing back at the two ShadowClan warriors, who were following silently.

Finally they made it the the bottom of the hollow. Their arrival was greeted by an eerie silence. Flowerkit looked around, and saw that almost all the warriors were staring at him, all conversations halted. No, not just him, he reflected. The ShadowClan warriors too. But the strange quiet of the camp unnerved him.

Sprucestar emerged from the crowd, and a few cats let out hushed growls or angry murmurs. But the ThunderClan leader was completely composed as she approached.

"Ashenbird, you have returned," Sprucestar said approvingly. "And you've found Flowerkit. I'm glad." Her pale blueish-green eyes narrowed as she regarded the ShadowClan warriors evenly. "Thank you for your services, but they are no longer needed. You may return to your own territory."

"We have orders not to leave until the kit's punishment is confirmed," one of the warriors replied coldly.

Sprucestar's eyes flashed. "You have my word. You can leave now."

The two ShadowClan warriors exchanged glances, then the one who had spoken dipped his head to Sprucestar. They both turned and climbed up the stony path, and Flowerkit's gaze followed them until they were well out of sight in the forest above.

There was a sudden release of the strained air in the camp, as if the clan let out a collective breath it had been holding. A lot of cats relaxed out of tense poses and some sheathed their claws. Quiet conversations broke out once again.

"Flowerkit!" one voice called out. Flowerkit looked over to see Sagepaw bounding towards him. "I'm so happy you're safe!"

Flowerkit lowered his head. "I was worried no one would," he admitted.

Sprucestar cleared her throat, gently interrupting. "Flowerkit. I realize you must be tired, but the matter must be discussed."

Flowerkit's ears pricked forward. "It wasn't my fault! Mosskit dared me to do it. They all did. The other kits hate me!"

Sprucestar twitched her whiskers. "As I said, the matter must be discussed. Ashenbird, would you come with me? Flowerkit too." Without waiting for a reply the leader turned and walked off, but glanced over her shoulder to make sure they were following.

Ashenbird nudged Flowerkit forward. "Come," she mewed gently.

"See you later, Flowerkit," Sagepaw murmured quietly as they padded away. Flowerkit had a sudden, strange feeling that after this nothing would be the same.

Surprisingly, Sprucestar was leading them towards the nursery. Flowerkit was about to ask why, but at that moment Spikekit tumbled out the entrance, followed closely by Rainkit, Acornkit, and finally Mosskit. The she-kit's green eyes locked balefully with Flowerkit's, but none of them spoke. Then Aspenfall and Rabbitfur, Acornkit and Mosskit's mother, came out after them.

Sprucestar nodded to queens. "Thank you for agreeing to speak with me. If you'd please, follow me to my den." Flowerkit flicked his tail in annoyance. Sprucestar had already talked to them? How much was he being left out of? He couldn't puzzle over his thoughts because Ashenbird was nudging him forward again, so he followed after the others.

The path that went to the leader's den was even more unstable than the hollow entrance. Ashenbird had to help him over the rocks, although Flowerkit was satisfied to see that Aspenfall had to aid Spikekit and Rainkit too. Mosskit and Acornkit, however, had no trouble, being of almost apprentice age. The leader's den was a cleft in the hollow wall that led out onto the HighLedge. Flowerkit couldn't help pausing to look down at the camp from this high perch. He felt a thrill, seeing the cats below, and wondered if this was what it would be to be leader, looking down at the Clan from a position of power. All too quickly Ashenbird pulled him away from the ledge and urged him to head into the den.

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