Chapter Thirteen - Blooming Dusk

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Chapter Thirteen
Blooming Dusk

Flowerkit slunk around the corner, keeping as close to the twoleg den as he could. He wanted to be as invisible as possible until he learned more about this strange world of the twolegplace.

All of the attention back with the band had been making him nervous, and cats had been asking him questions that he didn't want to answer -- especially questions about where he had come from, and his name. So after reassuring a slightly concerned Romeo that he could find his way back to them later, Flowerkit had slipped away to find some peace and quiet where he could think about everything that had happened.

He looked up, searching for high ground that he could access. He'd liked being on the roof of the first twoleg den that he had come across. It had seemed safely removed from the dangers of the ground. He had traveled to the housing area, but as far as he could see, there weren't any low roofs that he jump to. He eyed the nearest fence uncertainly. It was made of wood and was low enough that he could jump up to, so maybe that would do.

Flowerkit sprung to the top of the fence, and after quickly scanning the yard it contained for any dangers, he sat down facing the opposite way. Rows of fenced-in yards stretched in front of him. There was a slight chill to the air, but it was peaceful. He was safe for the moment. Flowerkit closed his eyes and took a deep breath, letting all of the tension in his muscles slowly melt away.

So here he was, in a strange new place, being sheltered by strangers until the snow season (what he assumed was the kittypet word for leaf-bare) came and passed. He seemed so far from Ashenbird and the rest of ThunderClan. Flowerkit missed his mother terribly. He wanted to go back. Had escaping from Mosskit and the others been worth it?

Flowerkit's claws scraped the top of the fence. The thought of the other ThunderClan kits still sent spikes of anger shooting through him. He wanted to get back at them, make them pay for all of the pain and misery they had put him through. He wanted to be strong enough to take revenge, to not have to run away from his problems or hide behind the bigger cats. Maybe by the time snow season was over... He could go back. Return to his clan and to Ashenbird. If the last few days were anything to go by, Flowerkit would grow stronger anyways, probably faster than the other kits who were still being babied in the nursery. Or were they? Maybe Mosskit and Acornkit were apprentices by now.

Flowerkit sighed. If he was honest with himself, he just wanted a few days to rest and not have to fight dogs or foxes or other cats for his survival. He wondered if the cats of the band really would accept him, or if he would have to fight to stay there, too.

He'd been mulling over these thoughts for a few good, long minutes when a quiet voice broke into his reflections.


Flowerkit's head jerked sideways and his muscles tensed, ready to run. He relaxed slightly when he saw that it was just a young she-cat, only barely bigger than himself. Her fur was a pale gray with white underfur, and her eyes were a kind shade of light green. A thin band of yellow material was fastened around her neck. The she-cat leapt lightly up to stand beside him on the fence.

"Er... hi," Flowerkit meowed warily.

The young she-cat smiled at him. "I've never seen you around before. Are you new here?"

"Yeah, kinda," Flowerkit responded. He still didn't know what she wanted. "Um... Why are you here?"

"Well, this is my house," she answered with an amused purr, flicking her tail to gesture at the twoleg den behind them.

Flowerkit jumped up. "Oh! Sorry--I can leave."

"No, it's okay!" the gray and white kitten said compassionately, motioning for him to stay. "I'm Mitzy. What's your name?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 31, 2017 ⏰

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