T W O - Different Sides

394 10 1

Koby Yang

The next day, when I got to the bus stop, he was there again, standing in the same exact spot as last time. I walked over to him and stood beside him.
"Hi," I said.
"Hey," he responded.
"How old are you?" I randomly asked.
"What?" He asked, clearly caught off guard.
"How old are you?" I repeated.
"I'm 14," he responded. "You?"
"I'm 13."
"Grade seven?"
"No, actually eight."
"Me too."
I awkwardly played with my fingers and stared at the floor.
"So-" but I never got to hear what he wanted to say because the bus pulled up and we both got onto the bus.
He walked to the back of the bus where all his friends were and we didn't speak a word for the rest of the bus ride.


When I got to school, there he was again, a few lockers down from mine.
I opened my locker, and hung my bag on a hook. I looked at him through the corner of my eye.
I saw him throw his head back, and he laughed, the dimples on his cheeks reappearing.
I leaned against the lockers and sighed. I sunk down to the floor and stared off into space.

When you get hit in the head with a football, in the middle of the hallway and you didn't even notice, that's when you realize how much you really zoned out.
I grabbed the football off of the ground and turned it around and around, studying all the different sides. Then I saw it, the initials J.A. on the side of the football.
"Janelle Auguar..." Before I could finish  my sentence, my best friend appeared in front of me.
I tossed her the ball and stood up.
"Go long," she said as she pulled her arm back, ready to throw the ball.
I ran as fast as I could to the other end of the hall before I bumped into someone. I abruptly stopped in front of him.
"Watch where you're going," Darren yelled as he slightly pushed me back with his shoulder.
"Sorry," I mumbled as I slowly backed up."
I turned around and saw the football flying through the air towards me. I put my hands up and caught the ball.
"What the hell, J, I wasn't ready for that!" I yelled across the gym.
"You still caught it," she retorted.
"Duh, you do know who you're yelling to, right?"
She rolled her eyes at me.
I rolled my eyes at her and threw the football back to her.
It was intercepted my a teacher that was casually passing by.
"Get to class," he said as he threw the football back at me. I caught it and scurried off to my next class which just so happened to be science.
I open the door that leads to the stairwell and I run into Darren. He puts his hand on the door to hold it open. I move to one side to walk past him, but he stands in my way. I move to the other side, but at the same time, he moves to that side.
"Move," he rudely says as I duck and move under his arm.
I look over my shoulder at him and I mutter the word, "sorry."
I reach the stairs and I turn around just in time to see him walk through the door as the door slowly closes.
What a jerk.


That's about it for chapter two. Now I'm gonna do something a little differently for chapter three ;)

-The Anonymous Writer

September 21, 2015 @ 6:00pm

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