S E V E N - Du-et or Don't

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Too cute! Ah!! Kenny!! I was fangirling so damn hard when I saw this pic.

Kenneth San Jose

"You are all here for a reason," Shelby says to the eleven of us that stand in front of her. "Whether it may be your dancing, or your choreography, or maybe you're just here to fill a spot, it doesn't matter. Each and every single person will have a roll to play." She walks up and down the line, making eye contact with each and every one of us as she speaks.
"Starting with me and Darren." She stops in front of him which is in between me and Koby.
"We will be doing the solos, one male and one female." She turns to me and Koby. "You," she says as she points at me. "And you," she points at Koby, "will be doing the duets." She backs up so everyone in the group can see her.
"The rest of you will be split up into two small groups. Everybody get to work." And with the clap of her hands, everyone disburses.
I look around the gym for signs of Koby, but I don't find her. I look around at all the different people in the gym, but I don't see her face. I go around the gym, looking for her.
When I least expected it, she jumps onto my back, causing me to take a few steps forward, all the way up until I run into a wall. I put both my hands on the wall, silently plotting.
If I slam her into the wall, how mad would she be on a scale of one to ten? Probably ten, but who really cares? I shrug, and push off of the wall. I turn around and lean on the wall, crushing Koby in between me and the wall.
She makes a sound, that sounds like a balloon deflating, and her hands slip off of my shoulders, her legs falling to the ground. I turn around and see her limp body lying on the ground, and I suddenly regret every decision I've ever made.
I crouch down beside her and pretty much inspect her for broken bones, moving various limbs. I move her head, and hear a crack. I jump up and put my hand over my mouth.

Koby Yang

All I can hear through closed eyelids is Ken repeatedly saying,
And I can't take it anymore, and I can't hold in the laughing, and I burst out laughing.
"I got you," I say as I pop up from the ground, "I got you good."
"You know, I thought you were dead for a few seconds there," he says as he takes a few steps towards me. I take a few steps back, and back into a wall. I groan. "Now I'm literally going to kill you."
I laugh.
"That's so cute."
"I'm serious." With that said, he takes a few steps forward and closes the space in between us and he grabs me by the collar, but before he can do anything, Darren walks past us and he practically yells,
"Get a room!" For the whole gym to hear. Kenneth quickly dropped me to the ground, causing a slither of pain to shoot up my ankle. I mentally groan and grimace. I put my hand over my ankle and I rub circles around my ankle.
"Sorry about that." He holds a hand out towards me. I gratefully grab onto his arm and he helps me up. I sit down on the bench and prop my leg up beside me.
"Do you think you'll be able to dance?"
"Yeah, I'll be fine, this happens all the time." I give him a reassuring look. I slowly stand up and I shift all of my weight onto my left leg, but I keep my right leg on the ground, pretending that I'm really okay. "See, I'm fine."
"Okay..." he skeptically looks at me.
"Really." I stare at him, hoping he'll just believe me and leave me alone. "Please, can we just get started on the dance?"
"I was thinking maybe we could do a dance to 'On My Mind' by Ellie Goulding."
"Okay, what kind of dance should we do? Contemporary, hiphop, jazz, ballet, ballroom?"
"I was thinking we could do a cross between ballet and hiphop and we could add some contemporary in it too."
"I can work with that." He nods. "Except for maybe the ballet part."
"Don't worry, I'll be doing that part."
"Let's start off like this." He wraps his arm around my waist, and he pushes my arms out so that they're facing different directions. "For the first eight count, you could spin out onto the other side of the stage." I nod, and I start to turn my right leg when I run straight into Kenneth, and I knock him onto the ground with a kick in the side.
"Oops." I set my foot back on the ground. "Maybe I should go the other way."
"Yeah, maybe." He gets up from the ground and wraps his arm around my waist. I take a deep breath and spread my arms out.
"Okay, count me in," I say as I slowly shift my weight onto my right foot. A slither of pain shoots up my ankle. I press my lips into a thin line, and I wait for his signal.
"5, 6, 7, 8." I lift my left foot up into the air and I swing it to the left, and I set my left foot on the ground. I do the same with my right foot, but when I set it down on the ground and lift my left foot off the ground for the second time, I buckle under the weight, and I fall onto the ground.
Kenneth runs over to help me up. I put my arm over his shoulder and he helps me up, putting all of my weight onto him and my left foot. He walks me over to the bench where he sets me down.
He stands up and sighs.
"You're not okay."


Here's the next chapter that took a while to write. Oops.

-The Anonymous Writer
October 17, 2015 @ 10:21pm

8:35am (Darren Espanto and Kenneth San Jose)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ