S I X - KenBy

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The pictures above are of Kenneth and some of his friends just so you know who he is.

Warning, this might be really messed up and stuff, cause I don't really know all that much about dance.

Koby Yang

Do you know those days when you just hate the world, the people in it, and everything about it? Today is definitely one of those days.
First of all, my hair looks like shit even more than normally, my sweatpants are literally way too big for me and I have to constantly pull them back up, and some girl spilled her lemonade all over the front of my shirt and my shirt is sticking too my skin, so I spent most of the day peeling it off of my skin. To top it all off, my teachers don't understand the fact that kids like to have fun, not do homework, therefore I have a mountain of homework to finish tonight.
This is the worst day of my entire life.

The world is actually routing against me, 'cause now my stupid locker won't open. I turn the lock to the right numbers once more and pull on the lock, praying for it to open, but it doesn't. I let out a scream through gritted teeth and I kick my locker out of frustration. I sigh and sink down to the floor, running a hand through my tangled hair.
Just to make my life ten times harder, my hand gets stuck in my hair and I yank it out. I pull at the tangled hair with hopes of untangling it, but it only gets worse, and I end up with a ball of tangled hair in my already super, messy hair.
The last straw is when Kenneth San Jose walks past my locker, but then back tracks to take a better look at me, and he says, "damn, you look like shit."
That's my breaking point. I snap my head up and I glare at him.
"Shut up, Kenenth!" I snap.
"Bad day?"
I scoff. "Bad day? More like worse day of my life, and I don't need you making some snarky comment about my hair or whatever. Just leave me alone."
He mumbles something inaudible.
"What did you say?"
He shakes his head. "Nothing." He crouches down beside me.
"You know, I was going to help you out, but never mind, it looks like you have everything under control." He stands up and walks away.
At this point, I want to scream, but instead, I bury my head in my knees and let out short, muffled screams.

Darren Espanto

As I'm walking down the hallway, I hear a quiet whimpering. The farther down I walk, the louder it becomes, until I hear sobs. I follow the sound all the way up to Koby's locker where I find a girl that resembles her in looks, but not in strength.
I crouch down beside her, and put my finger under her chin, pushing her head up. When she looks at me, she doesn't look like herself. Her eyes are bloodshot, her hair is a mess, and her clothes, stained.
"Leave me alone, Darren," she says, her voice cracking.
"What happened?"
She stares at me for a really long time, before she sighs and says, "way too much to handle."
At this point, I want to give her a hug, but I keep a respective distance, afraid that if I touch her again, she'd break.
I stand up and hold out my hand towards her.
"Come on, let's get you cleaned up."
"Why are you being so nice to me?"
I chuckle. "Is that even a question?"
She stays dead silent, and I realize that she's serious.
"We're friends aren't we?"
She mumbles something unintelligible and then says, "then why were you being such a jerk to me the other day?"
"Everybody has a dark side."
She rolls her eyes and takes my hand. I cross my arm on top of the other one and she grabs my other arm. I pull her up and hold onto her for a second too long, 'cause she yanks her hands away from mine.
"Sorry," I mumble.
But she acts as if she didn't hear it and she starts to walk down the hall.
"Hey, wait up!" I run to catch up with her. I slow down to a walk as I get closer. Soon, I'm walking with her, side by side.
We quietly make our way towards the gym. The whole time, I have the urge to say something but I don't.

I don't say anything until it's too late to say anything, too late to go back and change the past, too late to ask her out, because Kenneth San Jose beats me to it.


I wanted to make this chapter longer, but I have a case of the lazies so here's a short chapter for everyone to enjoy. I'm going to try uploading another one tonight or tomorrow night or something cause it's getting kind of late.

-The Anonymous Writer

October 6, 2015 @ 10:57pm

8:35am (Darren Espanto and Kenneth San Jose)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora