1.what time is it?

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Lydia's POV:
"Allison! Make the popcorn faster, you're missing it!" I yell through my house. Summer vacation had started half a month ago and so had Scott and Allison's relationship. My best friends, dating. Which I didn't mind because they were a very cute couple but I was always the third wheel.

"Coming, coming!" Allison rushes in, plopping down on the couch next to me causing some of the popcorn to go overboard. I laugh as she settles in, popping the kernels from off of her lap, into her mouth. It was great to have some girl time with her. Now that they were dating, she was always out with Scott. But today, I had guilted her into watching all of the High School Musicals with me.

My mom was currently at work, as she did everyday, and I rarely got to see her because she worked late.
"What time is it?!" Allison and I shouted the lyrics at the top of our lungs. We weren't concerned about anyone hearing us. The house to the right of mine was owned by a sweet elderly couple who rarely had visitors but often had hearing problems.

The house to the left of mine had been empty for at least two years. Allison, Scott and I often referred to it as "monster house" because the people who used to live there almost died five times in the same month.
"Summer's finally here!" Allison sings and I sing back the next line like we always did when watching these movies. We immediately stopped upon hearing the sound of a large truck backing up (you know, that loud and annoying BEEP. BEEP.BEEP.)

We clamber over each other before heading to the front window, pressing our faces to the glass to get a good look.
"Is that a moving truck?" Allison asks, just as dumbfounded as me.
"Someone's moving into monster house." I state. We creepily peered through the blinds trying to get a good look at my new neighbors.

"Your room!" Allison turns to me and we bolt upstairs. My bedroom window faces the monster house and we would easily be able to spy on the new family. I placed my rolling desk chair by the window and Allison pulled up my bathroom stool. There was a man, mid-forties maybe, talking to the moving van guy as other people migrated his furniture from the van to the home through the open garage door.

"I don't see anyone our age. Just the guy." Allison whispers and I nod. Hold up.
"Look, look, look, look!!!" I say frantically, pointing down the street to an upcoming car. A powder blue jeep pulled up in front of the house, parking next to the curb. A woman, maybe in her thirties, steps out of the passenger side and races over to the man, her arms open and read for a hug.

"John, I haven't seen you in years!" She shouts before embracing the man.
"Wife?" I ask Allison and she shakes her head.
"No look." She points and I follow her finger. "Hands placed on the lower back not on the waist. Waist is for wife's, back means brother. They're related." She explains and I nod. Allison was almost an expert on reading people. She was so good she could probably make it her profession.

We turn our attention back to the jeep, patiently waiting for the driver to jump out. We wait almost a minute until a boy, maybe seventeen, falls, literally falls, out of the car. A large backpack quickly topples after him, falling harshly on his groan and Allison and I wince.
The woman stops talking with John, probably rolling her eyes as she makes her way over to the boy and helping him up.

From this far away, all I could tell is that he was tall, skinny, fair skinned and brown haired.
"He has potential. We have to introduce ourselves later." Allison points to the boy and I nod. John makes his way over to the boy and picks his back pack off of the ground, handing it back.
"Let me show you the house, Emma." John says and the woman follows him inside.

The boy, however, takes his time looking up at his two-story house then over to my house. His view wanders upwards until eventually he spots us and we fall back with gasps.
"When would we go over there?" I ask Allison, quickly peeking over the edge of the window-sill. He was gone.

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