2. Scotty

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{my photo above}
Stiles POV:
"You a Junior too?" Allison turns around in the passenger seat and I nod. Too. That means they were also Juniors. Allison smiles turning back around in her seat and I swallow dryly.
"He doesn't say much, does he?" Allison whispers to Lydia. She looks back at me for a split second before returning her eyes to the road.

I stare at my lap, fiddling with my fingers.
"I-I can still hear you..." My voice comes out in a stuttering silence and Allison lightly gasps.
"He speaks!" I look up without moving my head as we pull into a place called Binnies and Lydia finds a parking spot. We all get out at the same time, Lydia and Allison walking together with me a few feet behind.

I stare at my feet as I walk, glancing up every so often at the girls. This was bull crap and Auntie Em was going to hear about it. We walk through the front doors and Lydia squeals, hugging the guy behind the counter. Boyfriend maybe?
"Stiles this is Isaac. He's basically my brother accept a little closer." Lydia introduces and Isaac holds out his hand for me to shake.

I stare at his hand for moment before reluctantly taking it and the girls seem shocked.
"He just moved next door to Lyds." Allison explains and Isaac nods giving Allison a hug as well after letting go of my hand.

We all stand there awkwardly for a moment as I put my hand in my pockets. I want to ask Allison if Isaac and her are dating but all that comes out is: "Boyfriend?" And my finger pointing between the two.

They look each other up and down for a moment before jumbling their words together.
"No, no-"
"We're just-"
"I mean we dated once but..."
"Not anymore." Isaac finishes, clearing his throat afterwards.
"I'll get you guys a table." Isaac says, returning back to job mode.

He grabs four menus and walks towards the large dining area. Lydia grabs my arm to lead me and I flinch, making her hand drop back to her side.
"Sorry." She smiles, walking ahead of me. I sigh, taking a moment to scold myself silently before following after them.

The girls are already seated, looking over the menu and I gulp before sitting next to Lydia and grabbing my menu.
"So do you ever talk or are you like... Mute?" Allison asks, never looking up from her menu.

I talk, I want to say but instead my lips just move open and closed until I tap the edge of her menu. She looks up at me and I put my hand horizontal in the air, shaking it back in forth as if saying, kind of.
She smiles. "That's so adorable." Her eyes return to her menu. An obvious blush spreads across my face and I hide myself behind my menu.

You can speak. You have a voice. Focus. Focus. I take a deep breath, ready to come out of hiding when a tan skinned boy walks up to our table and takes a seat next to Allison, pecking her quickly on the lips. I slowly shrug back behind the menu, avoiding who I assume is Allison's boyfriend.

He clears his throat, whispering something I can't really hear.
"This is Stiles... He just moved into monster house." Lydia speaks and I slam my menu on the table, turning to her in a frenzy.
I whimper, questioning her remark. Monster house!? She stares at me strangely and I search the table.

"M-m..."I try but I can't help but notice the boyfriend staring at me. I sigh and Lydia gives me a pathetic yet apologetic look.
"Could you write?" She asks and I excitedly pat the table with my hands, earning a quick chuckle before she gives me a pen. Frantically, I grab a napkin and wrote down monster house?!!! Handing it to her. She rolls her eyes,
Throwing the napkin back at me before turning to the boyfriend.

"Stiles, this is Scott. Allison's boyfriend." Lydia picks up her menu again and intently examines the list of items.
"Junior?" Scott asks and I nod my head. He keeps staring at me for a minute before Allison butts in.
"He's a mute." She says.
I scowl before scribbling down on the napkin, I'm not a mute. Speech complications with new people.

I show the napkin to Scott and he seems to understand.
"But you do talk a little right?" He asks.
I purse my lips together. "Yeah." I manage and Scott shows me a knowing smile as I scribble down the rest of my sentence.

I mostly talk after I've known people for more than a day.

"Heard him say, like, a full sentence before he actually noticed we were there." Allison says and I narrow my eyes to her.
Scott smiles a little. "Don't worry about her. She has no filter."

Allison smacks him on the arm and I chuckle a little, causing everyone to stare at me like I was a three headed-unicorn. I take another napkin, not helping with the stares, I show them all and they apologize silently.

A waiter eventually comes to take our orders and everyone awkwardly stares at me as I point on the menu to things I want.
"Play any sports?" Scott asks, taking a sip of his drink. I was about to write it down when decided I should at least try a little. I hold up a finger, indicating 'wait a minute' and Scott smiles patiently.

Deep breath. "Do you," I pause a little. "have lacrosse?" I ask.
Scott grins. "Yeah, man! Team captain right here!" He seems excited and I grin, giving him a couple of fake claps and everyone laughs... This wasn't so bad. Scott goes on about how the Beacon Hills High School lacrosse team went to state last year and how they needed a new player because some kid that everyone called Greenburg, got kicked off of the team.

He asked if I'd try out at the beginning of the year and I nodded earning a look of approval from him.
"When are we going show shopping?" Lydia asks Scott and I furrow my brows. Show what? Once again, my lips start to move open and closed because I want to speak but can't find the courage.

"What?" I manage and silently praise myself. I spoke and hadn't stuttered.
Lydia turns towards me for a mere second.
"Show shop is when you see one movie, that you paid for, then afterwards sneak into other movies for a free show. Show shop, kapeesh?" She says and I nod.

Everyone returned to the conversation as normal and I sat there, mentally taking notes. The waiter brought our drinks and I downed my soda within the minute while the others conversed. Eventually they decided Friday was the opportune day to show shop. Allison politely asked if I would join and I grabbed a napkin writing down an I'll let you guys know. and showing it to her.

I'd decided that out of the three of them, Allison was the most talkative, Scott was the kindest and Lydia used sarcasm the most.
Allison and Lydia got into a conversation about shoes or whatever so Scott started talking to me. He'd ask what my favorite video game was and I'd write it down on a napkin and eventually he found a pen and we were both writing on the napkin, arguing over Xbox vs. PS3.

I don't know why he stopped talking and started writing but it made me feel comfortable and I started thinking, maybe Beacon Hills wasn't so bad after all. Soon enough we both had two napkins filled with reasonings as to why our game was better than the others. Scott would scratch something out on my napkin, writing the correct assumption and I found myself agreeing more often than not with him.

Our food came and we all silently ate our burgers. Scott reached over to Allison's plate and dipped a fry in her ketchup. She complained that if he wanted ketchup he should've gotten some and he responded with something along the lines of "I'm too lazy."

We all chipped in money, after eating, and Scott and Allison got into his car while Lydia and I climbed into hers. The ride, of course, was silent but only because I didn't speak... Well, couldn't speak. She pulled into her driveway and I nodded in thanks before walking to my house.

"How'd it go?" Auntie Em asks as I shrug off my jacket.
"I hate you." I say, storming upstairs.
"I love you too!" She calls after me.

Authors note:
oh... Hi?
I just wanted to say real quick updates will not be as frequent as my last story because I'm trying to make the chapters pretty long this time around (excluding these first two)
Comment, read, enjoy!!

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