19. Mock Day

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Stiles pov:
"H-hey Lydia. It's Stiles-well you probably knew that. Uh, I just wanted to call and see if you were okay... I haven't seen you in two days, n-not that I'm counting! Well.... I am counting... But anyways I just wanted to-" BEEP.

Cut off by the dreaded beep of a voicemail. The fifth voicemail, to be exact. I throw my phone down on the bed, checking my window once again. Her curtains were still closed. My phone starts to ring and I stumble a bit before grabbing it and answering without checking caller ID.

"L-Lydia?" I stutter.
"Scott." The boy says his own name and I sigh, my heart dropping. "She's not answering you or something?" He asks.
"I haven't seen her i-in two days." I say, swallowing dryly as I start to pace my room.
"You okay man?"
"N-not really. I'm starting to s-stutter again." My voice cracks.

"Well... We'll figure it out. There has to be a reason. But anyway, I called you because today is 'mock day' at the high school. We'd go and if help you get your schedule, show you your classes and your suck-ass teachers. You in?" He explains and I chuckle.
"Yeah sure. I'll pick you up in a few." I offer.

"I feel like everyone's staring a-at me." I gulp, glancing around at the parking lot full of students.
"That's because they probably are." Scott laughs from the passenger seat. I take a deep breath before we both get out of my jeep. I trail a little behind Scott, not exactly sure where I'm going.

"You texted her right? Is s-she coming?" I ask, glancing over Scott's shoulder to try and look at his phone. He types something quickly before putting it back in his pocket.
"She said she might be coming with Allison." He sighs, wanted Lydia to see me as much as I wanted her to see me.

Scott gives me a reassuring smile before guiding me through the front doors of Beacon Hills High. He points out a few random things: the nurses office, the gym, some vending machines and what not. After giving me a quick tour of the place, we head to the main office where he helps me pick up my schedule like I'd done so many times before.

"Looks like we have most of the same classes together." Scott grins, showing me his own schedule. My smile was lesser, fake even, but it was there. We head to our first class, chemistry, all the while Scott talking about how much of a douche the teacher is. When we arrive to the classroom, everyone looks up at me. The guys not really caring but the girls instantly smiling and giggling.

"You poor thing." Suddenly I'm yanked backwards into a death hug, immediately recognizing Allison and I roll my eyes.
"G-get off." I stutter, prying her from me. She eyes me.
"Your stuttering..." She seems to almost understand why. I don't even bother asking if she had brought Lydia, I already knew she hadn't.

The three of us take a seat at a lab table in the back, girls still staring at me as I pass and they'd giggle and whisper causing Scott to snicker. I don't really pay attention as the teacher walks in, talking about what we would learn this year and all that crap.

"Stiles." Scott nudges me and nods towards the front of the classroom where the teacher, along with students, all have their eyes glued on me.
"S-sir?" I stutter, biting the inside of my lip.
"I asked if you were new." He says rather harshly. I swallow, a lump forming in my throat and I nod.
"Where'd you move from?" He asks.

My hands start to shake and Scott seems to notice, answering for me.
"He has a medical speech shyness, Mr.Harris." Scott says. Allison reaches over, grabbing my hand to stop it from shaking and I look down at the desk.
"What's your name?" Mr.Harris asks.
"Stiles Stilinski." Allison answers for me. The pressure builds in my head, the other students eyes glued on me, speaking in hushed tones and whispers.

I stand abruptly, leaving the classroom and I hear the teacher speak but Scott counters, following me. I breath deeply, leaning against a set of lockers and pulling at my hair.
"You okay?" Scotts voice comes through slightly muffled. I close my eyes as tight as possible, sliding down the lockers until I hit the floor.

"I-I-I can't." I take a deep breath.
"Stiles, what happened between you and Lydia?" Scott speaks calmly. My voice shakes when I talk and I look around the empty hallway.
"Panic attack." I manage between short breaths, ignoring his question and gulping down air as I barely breath.

"Stiles!?" I hear Lydia's voice and I turn my head in her direction to see her running down the hall towards me. She kneels down next to Scott and I give her a weak smile.
"Hi, Lydia." I breath.
"He's having a panic attack. I don't know what to do." Scott speaks in a rush, trying his best to calm me down as I start to wheeze.

Black spots cloud my vision and I reach out to grab something that wasn't there.
"Stiles you need to hold your breath." Lydia says, culling both hands on my cheeks. I nod weakly, holding onto her wrist and taking one last gulp of air before passing out.

"Stiles..." A soft voice calls out, almost dreamlike and angelic. My eyes flutter open slowly as bright light filters in my field of vision, along with Lydia.
I smile. "I thought I heard an angel." My voice comes out rough and crackled.
She grins ever so beautifully before walking out of my sight. I turn my head to see her sitting in a large leather chair and for once I notice I'm not in my room, but in a hospital.

"Did I almost die or something?" I ask, slowly sitting up as a pain comes from my head.
"You had a panic attack and Scott and I couldn't stop it fat enough so you passed out. They wanted to make sure you were okay though." She explains. I look down to the iv in my arm before quickly realizing that was a mistake and looking away. Needles.

The door to my room opens and a women about mid thirties walks into the room.
"Hello Stiles, Lydia. I'm Melissa McCall, Scott's mother. I'll just be asking you a few questions, okay?" She says sweetly and I nod. She takes a seat at the end of my bed, pulling a clipboard and pen out of a drawer in the room before she does.

"Have you been having hallucinations?" She starts
"Regular basis. But...more than usual, my adderall hasn't really been working." I clear my throat, glancing at Lydia and she gives me a reassuring smile.

"Dissociative?" She continues and I start to mess with my hands like I always do when I'm nervous.
"I have a medical shyness. It's a social phobia or anxiety type thing."
"Yes." I put simply, staring down into my lap.
"Night terrors?" She asks and I freeze. Slowly I look up, meeting Melissa's gaze before quietly speaking.
"Every night..." My voice cracks slightly and I look over to Lydia once more, her eyes wide.

Melissa leaves shortly after that, quickly checking my iv and pulse and all the other crap I was used to by now. Lydia and I don't say a word, staring down at our laps as silence comes to greet us.
"I'm sorry." Lydia finally speaks and I look to her. "I'm so sorry. I-I don't know why I was ignoring you but I guess I was scared or something and even though that's not an excuse I don't want to lose you. Please forgive me." By now she was crying and I smile softly, opening my arms and she gladly stands to except the hug.

"Hey, it's okay." I coo, stroking her hair. "Lydia I'm always going to forgive you. Always. You could murder my cat and I'd forgive you."
She pulls away with a chuckle and I wipe tears from under her eyes with my thumb.
"You don't have a cat." She grins.
"Yeah, but if I did..." I say, tucking strands of hair behind her ear.

"Look at me." I say. "I'll always be here for you." She nods with a small smile, looking down to her lap as she takes one of my hands in hers.
The door opens softly again and this time, Melissa enters with a doctor by her side along with my father.
"Stiles, we're going to have to give you an MRI." Melissa says calmly.

Authors note:
WOW! Thanks so much for all the feedback yesterday on my winter story idea!
Cliffhanger AF but this is where the story was heading all along. IT TWAS ALL PART OF MY EVIL PLAN TO BREAK THE HEARTS OF THE INNOCENTS. Too much?

Comment, read, enjoy!

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