Friday, October 23rd, 2014

26 2 0

Hey Journal, Diary? No, that's not something I'd say. Anyways, my dear adopted mother, otherwise known as Perry, my best friend, to clarify. Well, she has told me to write in this leather bound journal, it's supposed to help? I don't know, point is that she would punch me if I didn't listen to her so here goes nothing...

A week before my birthday which happens to conveniently land on Halloween, I mean, don't get me wrong, I love Halloween, but other than Perry and my wonderful Family, no one remembers my birthday. I have never been one to enjoy attention, but a little recognition couldn't hurt, right? I suppose I can't be a beggar, I'll live with it. Now, what should I be for halloween? I could be a soldier, that's pretty basic, or how about a cowboy? no no, they don't usually wear shirts, that won't work, I'll leave it up to perry, we're going costume shopping this afternoon, at 4:00 o'clock... Oh shit is it really 3:40? I better go, yeah, I will write everything that I think about, thanks for clarifying! gotta go!


I struggle to pull on my binder, you'd think that after a year I'd be used to this shit, the struggle. After finally wrestling it on, I pull on my wonderful TRXYE sweater and my beat up vans. After half an hour, Perry finally shows up, full face of makeup, wearing a cable knit sweater and skinny jeans that looked anything but comfortable. "finally decided to show up, eh?"

She glared at me whilst scoffing before saying, " A, stop making fun of me for being Canadian, you live here as well! And B, I had to put my face on, you never know when I'll meet my soulmate, it doesn't hurt to be prepared..." And with that she pulled out of my driveway, I plugged in my phone and pressed shuffle, 'Jenny' by Walk The Moon came on.

"But but, I thought that I was your soulmate," I pouted, That obviously didn't last long, since the chorus played and i couldn't help but sing along. She was looking at me in amusement "not funny, I'm still mad at you."

"Aww Alex, come on, you know I love you to death, but that would be like dating my twelve year old brother," she visibly shuddered, " and that just isn't happening."

After making idle chatter about plans and teachers we disliked, we pulled up into the parking lot of the costume shop and we proceeded to enter the building. After separately browsing the sections we met in the change area, she had a handful of overly sexualized female figures, and I with a Peter Pan costume and Darth Vader, I mean, you really can't go wrong. Perry went first, two people couldn't fit into the old store's singular change room and I wasn't particularly eager as it was.

After seeing 12 costumes that in my opinion looked relatively similar, she decided on a nurse, mini skirt and stethoscope in hand, she sat on the beaten up leather couch and shooed me away and into the change room, with my two costumes in hand, I got to work on actually putting them on. Well, apparently you can go wrong with Peter and Darth Vader. I heard a collection of ew's and sighs as I exited the change room. What can I say, I'm a real people pleaser. "You can't wear that, you need to look good, not like you're trying to repel potential lovers," she purposely emphasized the word 'lovers'.

"I get it Per, I've been single all of my life, you can't blame me though, my trombone is my true lover, plus it makes for a great weapon." You could see the look of distaste on her face, that trombone was the reason we met after all, not my fault she decided to sit directly in front of me in Music. 

"You need something like..." And with that unfinished thought she walked over to the men's section and returned moments later with a 'Danny Zuko' costume.  "This!" She is way too excited about this. I open my mouth in an attempt to complain but get quickly shot down by that deadly glare that she does so well. Surprisingly she came back with two costumes, oh god..

"What is this, some sort of couple costume," I mutter under my breath.

"Oh would you just try it on, you'll look Handsome, plus, he wears a shirt so you won't have issues." She was right about the shirt thing, I may as well at least try it on, it couldn't hurt. I step out of the change room a few minutes later in the cheesy getup that everyone knows so well. Perry squealed when she saw me before pushing me back into the change room with the instructions of simply getting my shit together so she could try on hers.

I put on my jeans before removing the iconic white shirt and fixing my binder that had rolled up my torso, I put my sweater on again and walked out of the change room, my multitude of unwanted costumes in hand.

I plopped down onto the couch, careful to avoid sitting on the cream coloured dufflebag sized purse, seriously, why do girls need such big purses, are they carrying a small dog in those things? Paris Hilton and that chihuahua flashed through my mind and I glanced over at Perry's purse, wait, did I just see it move? Girls confuse me. My thoughts were interrupted by Per calling out my name, I looked in her general direction as my eyes refocused, she was in a poodle skirt, white button up shirt with the sleeves rolles up a quarter of the way and a neck scarf.

"So I think I'll wear my hair in a high ponytail with a bow around it, what do you think?" I have to admit that most of those words flew right over my head, something about a boy? No, maybe she said Bow.. I looked up at her and smiled, nodding my head in agreement, she scoffed at me before turning back to change. Damn, why must she know me so well.
I chuckled to myself, completely spaced out again, thinking about the time that I regretfully let Per do my makeup, talk about a Miranda Sings lookalike, for about a month afterward I genuinely believed that she had no skills when it came to makeup.

"Geez, my best friend is a psycho, you're lucky that you're cute." Hearing her voice snapped me out of my trance once again, I shrugged and lifted myself out of the sagging couch, making my way to the check out, Per went first, then it was my turn to hand over the wad of cash necessary to purchase something that I'd wear once. Don't get me wrong, it's not my money, it's my Dad's, but I still think it's wrong that something costs this much!

After the short drive, Per dropped me off at my front door and waved goodbye while jamming out to some Taylor Swift song I was unfamiliar with.

I stepped inside and was welcomed home with a hug and the delicious smell of my Mother's top secret Mac and Cheese, she willed the recipe to me when she died because she knew how much I loved it, since I can't cook, I gave my dad permission to see it.

We sat down to a lovely dinner, and I then said goodnight and made my way up to my room.

Well today was pretty uneventful, I'm Danny from Grease though, Per was a nutjob as usual, but we had a great time, I can't wait until my birthday, learners permit here I come!

Farewell my new friend, I can't wait until we speak again. Speak? Meh, unless you start talking to me, that would be an incorrect term, I'm tired, leave me alone.

Bye, Alex.

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