Monday, October 26th, 2014

18 2 2

Hello journal, my dear old friend.

I suppose I should update you on my life, the weekend was uneventful, I hang out with Per most of it, I forced her to play video games with me, but that was nothing compared to the fact that she made me go makeup shopping with her, geez, she used me as her human canvas, I don't think I've ever had that many, eyeshadow this, eyeliner that, products applied to my face in the span of four hours.

But today is Monday, ew school again, I'm not only counting down the days to the weekend, but to the moment I'm officially older than 57% of my grade, oh goody. It's currently 7 a.m. and I am at my desk sporting jeans and a My Chemical Romance shirt that could technically be counted as a piece of history, but we don't talk about that. I think I'll have cereal for breakfast, Sounds good enough for a boy on a tight schedule. I hate to leave you hanging but you see, I have class in 20 minutes and I have yet to do anything productive other than getting dressed.

Goodbye for now,



I pull my beats over my head and grabbed a sweater, blaring I'm Not Okay, I head downstairs, I was pleasantly surprised to find a stack of pancakes and my dad in the kitchen, I hungrily dug in and thanked my dad from across the house as I slipped on my shoes and ran outside just as the bus stopped in front of my driveway, I was lucky that I was the last person on the bus route, but that didn't stop me from constantly being late or close enough to it, John must hate me. I fiddle with my playlist once I'm seated, I have only a short 10 minutes before we reach the high school and in that time I manage to eliminate all Taylor Swift that Per put on my phone and replaced it with Arctic Monkeys, much better.

I push through the double doors with much difficulty, damn frail arms, why must you do this to me now, or ever for that matter, I didn't look too terribly masculine today, then again, that matched my mood anyways, though the jocks certainly couldn't understand anything past boobs and football so I ignored the snickers coming from their apparently claimed 'turf.'

I made my way over to my locker, conveniently placed across from the theatre, my first period class, Per was there as well, I was taking advanced Theatre so this was our one class together, I recognized the eyeliner that lined her eyelids, it was the same eyeliner she drew a flower with on my left cheek, I must say that it looked quite good when done properly, I grabbed my books for my first two periods made idle chatter with a cheerful looking Perry, when we were finally sitting in the auditorium, I leaned up to her ear and inquired about her cheerful mood, after her squeal subsided she went into detail about how she got a boy's number.

"Well I was waiting for you by the bus doors and the most gorgeous man walked by me, Alex, you should have seen him, he had short red hair and piercing blue eyes, he seemed so kind, so gentle, his name is Toby, I got his number.." And with that she squealed again, after being reprimanded by our musical theatre teacher she told me the rest of the story of seemingly wonderful events, ending it with, " Do I wait for him to text me, or?"

"Okay Per calm down, I think you should start with actually putting his number into your phone." Her hands were shaking with excitement and nerves, "would you like me to do that for you?" I smirked and chuckled lightly at her silliness, she punched me in the arm but silently handed me the phone and a piece of scrap paper. I put the number into her contacts with a silly emoji just to tick her off, and sent a simple Hey to the person, because lord knows that she'd never do it. I think Per realized what I was doing because before I knew it, the phone was being snatched out of my hands, too late Per, the text was already sent.

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