Tuesday October 27th 2014

21 0 0

Well it's 6 am and I am not happy. I was up until one with Per, that girl does not let secrets out easily, I don't even understand how that girl does it, I mean, you'd think she'd break at least a little but no, instead she pestered me and changed subject a lot, she's a little bit of a brat when she wants to be, oh well. I don't even understand what's so important about halloween plans, yeah it's my birthday but no one has ever done anything special for me, and it should stay that way, I enjoy it that way, this is going to bug me.

I mean, it's only me, how special could it be, I have like 3 friends. Maybe she's buying me tickets to a Twenty One Pilots concert, they happen to be one of my favourite bands. One can only dream, dear lord if she throws me a party I will cry. How much of a party could it be if we're spending Halloween at a corn maze, this is going to piss me off if I'm completely honest, never mind this, I need to get ready for another day in hell, I use that phrase often, but it will stay true so long as I go to this school. What to wear.. Journal, you are my only source of a mildly sane version of talking to myself. Honestly, I wouldn't put it past myself to do something like that. I'll wear a sweater and skinny jeans, pretty generic, yet comfortable for these chilly fall mornings. Enough talking about it, I need to get moving, bye for now! Hopefully I don't meet the person of my dreams today, I don't exactly look spectacular.


I throw on the outfit that I so kindly described to the beautiful piece of subpar literature that I call my journal, running down the stairs and into the kitchen, noticing the breakfast bar and sentimental handwritten note from my father about how he won't be home until late and that I could have some friends over. How nice of him. I text Per and ask if she's driving today, whilst waiting for a reply I open the bar and take a bite, mm crunchy. The reply never comes, instead I hear a honk from outside, I pull on shoes and run outside. I see Per and the familiar redhead having a seemingly animated conversation, I slip into the backseat, successfully breaking up the conversation. Their suspicious actions are giving me the creeps.

We drive for what feels like forever, and finally reach the school, school is virtually pointless in a social aspect, classes are great but why should I be forced to interact with others, I should've enrolled in online schooling.

Go to my locker; check. get my books; check. Get punched in the arm by a mildly concerned but very annoyed Perry; check, check.

I walk into the theatre adjacent to my locker and sit near the back, away from a familiar face and anyone else. I guess you could compare my mood to that of a college student that just found out that there isn't any booze at the party they are attending; hostile and grumpy, but most importantly, disappointed. Maybe the secrets are getting me down, or my loneliness is affecting me as a whole but I feel terrible, I shall wait in agony for my knight in shining armour I suppose.

I see someone I've never seen before walk through the doors and sit three rows behind me, the last row. I don't necessarily take careful watch of him, I don't have eyes in the back of my head, they're probably one of those people that the stoners hang around, late to every class and would rather smoke one than eat. Did I just say that? My that was rude of me, so sorry. What have I come too.

The teacher rattles on about Shakespeare and which play we'll be putting on this season, boring. I sink down into my seat, having already forgotten about the person behind me, plugging in my headphones and blocking out the world with a lovely ballad from the magnificent Brian Sella, lead singer of The Front Bottoms. I'd say I like about 90% of their music, it's just beautiful.

I hear this bell ring, wow, that went by surprisingly quickly, did I like fall asleep? I pause my music to prevent my chord from snagging on the armrest of the theatre chair, I don't need more humiliation. I hear a giggle from behind me, what, did I rip my pants or something, dear lord, maybe I did fall asleep. I'm about to confront the one who dared to laugh at little old me when I hear our teacher call my name, I walk down to the stage and look at her with pleading eyes, I really don't want to be late for my next class.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 23, 2016 ⏰

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