my thoughts on bullying and suicide

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i feel bad

for all the children out there

that took their own lives

because of cyber bullying

my heart was broken

when i looked up images

of children who died because of

some stupid text message

this world is cruel



cyber bullying is destroying our generation

of young talented teens

my heart broke when i saw those images

of people commiting suicide on video

i was shocked and sad

kids are cruel these days

Amanda Todd didn't have to die

if someone could have posted on good comment

i have a message for those freaking bullies out there

flag me

block me

but i will stand firm 

using my powerful words

what is wrong with you

why put others through all  

this misery

to the point where they

harm themselves

hang themselves

shoot themselves

the internet is a cruel place

far from perfect

you bullies should be ashamed

of yourselves

you people are heartless

you have no souls

you prey on others

just for your amusement

and entertainment

america is corrupt

we dont even have a good president

this world is full of evil

but there are some good people

in this world 

and im glad that they are

we need more nice people

and not more evil monsters

that hurt others

stop it

just stop

stop acting like your better than everyone else

stop preying on the weak

and start getting a damn heart

for once in your life

and realize what you done wrong

advice from the mystic poetOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant