for melody music

28 2 3

for the first time ever

i actually feel loved

I need a band aid 

because i scraped my knee fallling for you

I  love you so much

i hope this love last forever

because you mean a lot to me

youre a beautiful girl

a swan

a cute fairy

a butterfly

I love you so much

I have no words to express how much my love grows for you

I want to travel the world with you

to sea to shining sea

I  want to be able to smile again

I want to able to love again

I want to be able to be strong again

I want your parents to think Im a awesome guy

because we all know how fathers get when their daughter falls in love with a guy

they get their shotguns out and go bang bang


I really hope that this love will last for a life time

until i become a old fart and wave toilet paper at  some kids

telling them to get off my freaking lawn

thanks for being my bae 

thanks for being a girl that actually cares


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