I'm tired of America

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Im tired of America

the government's shady

the economy is shitty

therapists pretend to sympathize

only making pop pills

numbing our spirits

instead of helping them

they are only focused on getting paid

I fear that this nation

is falling into ruins

systematic slavery preventing us

from being who we want to be

I want to free this nation

to burn down every foundation of oppression

get out your flags and weapons

cause we are about to bring down this wall

that's killing us 

one by one

there's something destroying us

playing with   us

like toys 

leaving us to crumble

like broken dolls

and mangled marionettes

I feel sympathy for those

who had ended their lives

who had lost hope

who had lost their families

who had to subject themselves to humiliation and pain

who became wandering souls

and forgotten angels

I say this to you

we can make a change

a difference

we can save lives

hear me out

there's too many poor souls



in too much pain to take on life

cutting themselves like its going to solve something

scars don't ease the pain


in a state of sorrow


Im not letting  the dark take over and dominate me

instead I embrace it 

let it inspire me

let it show me the dark side of America

but America isnt that all bad

it just needs a push in the right direction

but will it ever happen?


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