Chapter 1

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Hope you all like this... <3


Preston's POV

Me and the rest or the pack, minus Mitch, were in the living playing some minecraft hunger games.

"NOOOOO" I screamed as Rob killed me, he did a small mwahahaha as I began to spectate.

It was now the showdown between Rob and Jerome. They had been fighting for what felt like forever when Mitch walked in.

"Guys I have some news!" He screamed over the loud shouts of the boys. Rob jumped causing Jerome to go in for the quick and easy kill. He jumped around doing a crazy victory dance, we all laughed while Rob pouted.

"GUYS!" Mitch's deep voice boomed over us all. We immediately turned to look at him, closing our mouths in the process.

"So um... my sister, Rene, is gonna come stay with us for a few months, is that okay with you guys?" He asked with a worried expression plastered on his face. Everyone one started to talk over each other and soon things became chaotic.

The thing is, everyone had been wanting to meet Mitch's sister for ages. We heard so many stories about her pranks and jokes and we were all so excited.

"I have some ground rules first though" Mitch started "Okay, number 1) Nobody is to ask about her past or why she is coming to stay. Number 2) Don't be worried if she doesn't warm up to you straight away, she has some trust issues. And finally 3) No one, under any circumstances, is aloud to date her. Got it?" He finished with a heavy sigh.

"Piece of cake" Lachlan replied, an enormous smile placed on his lips. I quickly agreed, I mean, how hard will following those simple rules be?


I'm soooo sorry it's short but wattpad deleted all of the chapters I wrote, which was like 15, so I have to re-write every chapter...

Anyways, I hope you enjoyed. If you would like, leave a comment down below giving either:

~Suggestions for the story

~Or of you wanna be a character/girlfriend. Just leave your name, personality, looks, anything else you think would be useful.

Ty for reading and see ya in the next chapter!

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