Chapter 2

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Rene's POV

"Please don't do this Ryan!" I pleaded with my once caring boyfriend. Staring into his sapphire orbs, I noticed how much anger filled them. Anger he created and is now taking out on me.

I remember when his eyes were always full of happiness. When we would wonder around Stanley Park together, hand in hand. Taking in the scenery and making jokes, laughing till our jaws ached. I remember our first date, our first kiss under the moonlight. It was full of passion and love. Now our kisses are rough and controlling, him always wanted more and when I didn't give it he would keep hitting me until I gave into it. He was never one for rape, but he was aggressive.

"Do not tell me what to do!" He bellowed, a sharp sting rising on my cheeks. I gasped as I touched where he hit me.

You see, he should be in prison right now. I had had enough of him and wanted him gone so I hatched a plan. I would call the police and get them to come to the house, then I would do something to annoy Ryan and get him to hit me. The police caught him kicking me in the stomach and arrested him not only for domestic violence, but drug dealing as well, after they took him away they searched the house and found drugs, turns out he had been drug dealing for 5 years.

And if you haven't guessed, he broke out. Escaped. And is now in front of me, holding a knife towards me.

Suddenly an idea popped into my head, it was risky but I was willing to do anything right now.

I swung my leg up, kicking him where it hurts. He growled deeply, dropping the knife and grasping his man parts. I quickly wrapped my slim fingers around the handle of the knife, pulling it, and myself of the ground. He noticed my movements and quickly grabbed my ankle , pulling me back to the floor. My grip around the knife tightened as Ryan straddled me, trying desperately trying to pry it out of my hand. I tried lunging for him but he was to strong, I needed him weaker. That's when I did the unspeakable.

I kissed him...

I made it as rough as possible and just as expected, he kissed back, he let his guard down.

I lunged at him again, this time feeling the warm thick liquid pouring over my hand and arm. He collapsed on top of me, breathing uneven. I pushed him of, using the kitchen side to heave myself of the ground. Looking at his suffering body, the wound I just created, I couldn't help but feel a tang of guilt build up inside me. Not wanting to be weak, I pushed the feeling to the pit of my stomach, rushing up to the house phone. I rang the police and told them what happened. They immediately took him of to hospital.

I found out that he didn't die, but was arrested again.

I'm finally free...

The taxi jolted me from my horrible flashback. We had stopped outside, what I assume to be, my brother's house. I quickly thanked and payed the driver before stepping out.

After grabbing my bags from the boot, I made my made to the door. I let out a deep breath I didn't even know I was holding, before knocking on the door.

Here goes nothing...


Sorry it might be short but I have homework to do and wanted to get some chapters out :)

Remember, if you want, to comment either:

~A suggestion for what could happen in the story

~Or if you want to be a character/girlfriend of one of the members. Just comment your name, personality, looks, and anything else you think could be useful. (Mitch's girlfriend is taken by Ashley)

Ty for reading and see you in the next chapter

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