Chapter Twenty-One

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"Change the Game"



My eyes fluttered open slowly, careful as to not blind myself from the bright light that was purposely let into the room.

I scrunched closer to the mattress, farther into the silk-like duvet, hoping to erase the chill that struck me so effortlessly. But at hard as I tried, I still felt cold. I rolled over, spreading eagle over the entire mattress. Only when I remembered the events of last night did my eyes open and wander to the other half of the bed.

The reason I was cold was because Nate had gone and left, leaving me alone in the once warm embrace we'd fallen asleep in. I felt a shiver of depression and longing burn up inside me, which I realized was because I wanted to finish what we'd started last night.

Or more, I'd started.

It pained me to know that I let him talk me into waiting, to holding off until next week was over. I knew after next week that I wouldn't be alive, let alone be able to fill my desire.

Being with him was on my bucket list, one that I had miraculously made up... I didn't even know when. I just knew I had things that I wished to do before I left this world, thanks to him. But with Nate telling me he wanted to wait, I felt like I wouldn't get to do what I wanted. I felt as if I was wasting time, and life was getting harder as each minute passed.

The bathroom door opened up, earning my attention. Maybe it was Nate, telling me he only had to use the bathroom. But my excitement soon flashed into disappointment. He was nowhere in this hotel room to be seen, and that depressed me more than anything.

Claire flipped her hair over her shoulder and sighed, probably just getting done with brushing her teeth. I groaned and threw myself back on the bed. Could my life get any worse? Could this possibly not be the end for me?

"I see things went well last night?"

I didn't have to look at her to know she was smirking, obviously having fun with the idea that her fantasies about Nate and I were true. But alas, not all of it was.

"What makes you think that?" I grumbled, squinting my eyes shut harder. The light was too blinding now that I was awake and aware.

"Well, he's gone and you're upset," she answered, quite amused. But I certainly wasn't.

"I'm upset because I'm cold, and he didn't even say goodbye," I replied, slowly sitting up and rubbing my eyes to help get myself more awake. "And nothing happened last night."

"Are you sure?" She squinted at me. "Because I got some pretty heated news from Harry after Nate left this morning."

"He stopped by?" I asked, feeling a bit eager that he'd been around Claire, and the fact that he was mentioning last night to Harry and Claire.

She laughed, staring at me. "Are you sure nothing happened last night? You seem pretty attached to the idea of NateStone, Bri."

I rolled my eyes as I got up from the bed and walked to my suitcase. "I'm glad you think my depression is funny."

I heard her laugh again, but she didn't say anything else. As I grabbed my clothes for the day, I turned to look at her before I wanted to head into the bathroom for a shower.

"He didn't want to last night," I mumbled. In that moment, her grin faded and the information settled in her head. Now she was sympathizing.

"I'm sorry," she murmured, her eyes staring into mine with a sad glint. I sighed and shrugged my shoulders.

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