Chapter Thirty-Six

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"Friendly Encounters"



The music in the car was a bit loud, though I didn't mention it in fear of Nate getting irritated with me. When he grabbed my hand and intertwined my fingers with his, however, that feeling rushed away.

"Who else did you say would be at this party?" I asked, thinking back to when he'd mentioned the others who were attending.

"Harry, Claire, and a few of Austin and Harry's buddies," he replied, his voice monotone. I began to frown at the notice, knowing full well we hadn't gotten into an argument before we left.

I contemplated on asking what had gotten him so quiet, until he turned to me and gave me a toothy grin. Abruptly my worry lifted. "What?" I wondered, unable to hide my grin - as well as the oncoming blush. He gave my hand a gentle squeeze before he turned back to the road, every other second looking back to me.

"Are you excited for your birthday?"

I nearly groaned at the mention of the day I was born. Yes, I would not want to change where I was now that my life wasn't in ruins and filled with constant worry and depression. But my life was a hard one, a world filled with darkness that I knew I'd never asked for. My birthday was both a blessing and a curse, both black and white. This birthday meant another year I got to live on this Earth with the most amazing people of my life, but it also meant that it was another year my haunting past would linger behind me and remind me of every second that nearly took my life away.

Thinking of that with two different sides and opinions wasn't all that great. And Nate noticed instantly, before I could even say anything.

"You can tell me what you're thinking, you know that, right?"

I nodded, bringing our intertwined hands up to my lips to give a small kiss on the back of his hand. Then I gave him a smile. "I know. It's just... my birthday means a lot of things. I'm not sure it'll be the same this year..."

Just as I finished, he pulled into the lot where Austin and Harry's apartment would be, a place I hadn't exactly been to in awhile. Or ever, for that matter. He turned the car off before turning to me, a great smile on his lips. "Well, I'll make sure that is true, but on good terms."

I knew I was supposed to smile, but I frowned. "Nate, please tell me you're not throwing me a party."

He shook his head. "'Course not."

"Nate James," I warned, gripping onto his hand as tightly as I could manage. He'd tried to get out before I could say anything, but my iron-like grip pulled him back in roughly. He was startled, though he didn't flinch.

"Bri, babe, if you want me to hold you or hug you ever again, I will need my arm and my hand," he said. I let go, though I knew perfectly well what he had just done.

"Sneaky," I called out as I jumped out of the car and slammed his door shut. "Just you wait. I'll get you back."

"Right," he smirked, taking my hand again. "I'll be waiting for the moment that you do."

I playfully shoved him as we walked up to the apartment, and already the music was turned up to the point that I wanted to cover my ears. When my tiny, soft knocks were clearly too quiet for anyone to hear, Nate turned to me with a lop-sided grin.

"You're so cute," he whispered before he matched his lips to mine for one quick second and turning to pound on the door. The music behind the door was turned down, and then the door swung open.

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