Ch. 25

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The next morning at school, Nate and I walked into school with each other which had people looking at us strangely. I guess the video got out to everyone at school, of course. Nate wrapped a strong arm around my shoulder and walked me to my class and Kat immediately sat me down and started asking me questions about why I was with Nate when he left to go to his class. I sighed not ready for this long conversation.

"Jules, what is going on? Why are you with him? Did you not see the video?"

"I-I forgave him, he took me to school, and don't remind me."

"Why would you forgive him?!" she whisper yelled at me so no one would question us.

"He's really sweet, and everyone deserves a second chance." she sighed shaking her head and looked at me,

"Isn't that what you said about Scott? And look what happened to that." I sighed as well, thinking it over, did I make a mistake by giving him another chance? I mean he did cheat on me...

"What would have you done?" I asked Kat.

"I wouldn't have given him a second chance. You know what they say, once a cheater always a cheater." That got me thinking.

All day I was overthinking what Kat had said about being a cheater. Was that true? Should I really have given Nate a second chance? Maybe I was just caught up in the moment, I didn't give myself time to think. Nate could tell something was bothering me by the time school let out, even though I tried to convince him it was nothing. So, he insisted I stay for his football practice so he can take me home, which I just told him Kat could take me home, but he wasn't having it. Now I'm sitting here awkwardly on the bleachers watching them scrimmage against each other. There was a group of cheerleaders at the far left end of the bleachers and of course Amanda was there gossiping with her "friends." I sat there and started on my homework while I waited for Nate to finish practice, so I wouldn't have to do it later. I hear someone clear their throat and I look up to find Amanda standing above me with her arms crossed and a plastic smirk on her face.

"What do you want Amanda?" I looked at her expectantly with a blank look on my face, not wanting to put up with any of her crap today, which only made her smirk more.

"I heard you saw the video of Nate and I, and you're still with him? Wow... I'm surprised, but I just wanted to tell you that's not all that happened that night, and you should really dump him. I mean a book nerd just doesn't date a football player. That's not how it works. Now, a cheerleader and a football player, that is a match made in heaven." She smirked and walked back to her group of minions who were all watching me. I look back to see Nate glancing at me when he gets a water break, giving me a questioning look. I look down gathering my stuff and walking down the steps and out of the bleachers, not wanting to see his or Amanda's face. I just want to go home. I start walking under the bleachers towards the open gate leading to the parking lot when I hear feet slapping on the ground and someone calling my name. I know it's Nate so I keep walking until i feel a hand on my elbow stopping me, and I yank my arm away from him, and look up at him.

"What do you want Nate? Shouldn't you be practicing?" His face turned to confusion and he cupped my face in his hands and looked at me with sweat coming down his forehead and his hair matted to the top of his head.

"Jules... what's going on? Why are you leaving? Look, I saw Amanda talking to you, don't listen to her, please." I shook my head watching him, and step away from him.

"I'm leaving because I don't belong here, I'm just some book nerd that should be studying at home, not at a football scrimmage. We don't belong together, you're a football player now, you don't belong with a someone like me." He stepped closer to me looking at me with pain and anger.

"Why would you ever think about that? Is that what Amanda said? Screw her... I don't care what society says, I would choose you over any other girl. I hurt you, my girl, I should have been protecting you, and loving you.." He pauses and looks down, "you deserve someone better than me, but you'll always be my girl..." He then looks back to me looking in my eyes, and moves closer to me, once again holding my face in his hands, and softly pecks my lips. "I just want you..." His kiss causes a light blush to fall on my cheeks and I look up at him watching him confess this to me.

"Amanda.. she said... you kissing her wasn't the only thing that happened... is th-" He gently cuts me off by kissing me, and pulls away looking at me.

"No, that's all that happened, and it won't happen ever again, I know now who my real friends are. I will do everything I can for you to trust me again."

"WILSON, GET BACK ON THE FIELD!" I hear coach yell from the field and laugh lightly,

"How about you get back to practice for now ok?" He chuckled and kissed me again,

"You're not leaving right?" I shake my head and smile and walk back to the bleachers while he runs out to the field to practice. After practice is over I meet up with Nate under the bleachers and we walk out to his car.

"Before you come over to my house you're taking a shower." I giggle watching him, and gasps dramatically,

"What? You don't like my sweat smell?"
"No." I giggle and he tries to wrap his sweaty arms around me and I squeal and run away from him before he can touch me, and he easily catches me.

"EWWW BABE!!!" I slap at his arms, "Put me down!!!" He just laughs and sets me down and looks at me,


"You called me babe, I missed that." He smiles down at me and kisses my forehead, which causes me to blush.

"Get in the car lover boy." I giggle out and get in the passenger side, putting my bag in the back, while Nate gets in the drivers side. Right now,everything is pretty ok, and that's ok with me.

Hi everyone!!! I'm so sorry I haven't been updating! School is so hectic! But i finally got some free time to brainstorm and write so here it is!! Please vote! It would mean a lot! It also encourages me to write more! Also check out my other book, "Falling"

I love you guys!


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