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I turn to see Nate standing close to us, and Zayn and Mason behind him. I see Kat, and Charlie in the car also. I'm guessing the guys made them stay in the car.

'Fine." he smirks, and pushes me off the curb, and i trip over my heels. I hear something pop, and I cry out in pain, and i start crying. I can't move it. Nate runs over to me, and Zayn, and Mason deal with Scott. Nate squats down next to me, and holds my face in his hands,

"Jules, are you ok?" I shake my head no,

"I can't move my foot Nate, it hurts." he wipes the tears from my cheeks.

"It's alright baby, we will fix it. Let's get you back." I nod, and he picks me up bridal style, and opens the car door, and while still holding me, sits in his seat. Kat who is sitting next to me slowly takes my shoes off, and I try not to cry out in pain, when she does,

"Are you alright Jules?" Kat asks. I nod, and smile. Kat shakes her head seeing my outfit and looks pissed,

"Did he make you wear that?" I nod again, and look down.

"That's it.. I'm going to kill him," she glares and then looks at me and sighs, "Oh Jules... I'm so sorry, if he tries to lay even a finger on you again he is dead." I smile at her, it's so funny how she is almost the same size as me, she's only like an inch taller, and she still threatens to beat Scott up.

Zayn, and Mason finally get back in the car, and Zayn drives off. I lay my head on Nate's shoulder, and  he wraps his arms around my waist. Zayn then asks,

"Are we taking Jules to the hospital?"

"Yes, I will call Dad." Kat says. I smile at the fact that she calls my dad just dad. Kat calls my dad, and we pull up to the hospital. We all get out, and Nate carries me inside. The doctors take x-rays of my foot, and it looks like I fractured my ankle...great. They put me in a cast, and give me a set of crutches in case I need them, but I thankfully don't have to use them all the time. Even though I had crutches, and could probably walk fine, Nate insisted on carrying me. We all got back in the car, and Zayn drove back to the lake house.

Everyone was concerned when we got back,but eventually we got to watch the big fireworks above the lake. Nate, and i sat in lawn chairs up by the lake.

"Thank you for coming to save me." I smile and look over at him. He smiles, and rubs my cheek with his thumb,

"Anything for you." I smile and we watch the fireworks, hand in hand.

Eventually I did end up changing out of that horrid dress, and into my pajamas, which was just shorts, and a tank-top, to watch the fireworks. This was amazing, I had my foot propped up, and Nate and I were sharing a blanket. I had my wonderful friends, and family with me. Other than the whole Scott thing, this was a great night. After the fireworks we all went back inside, and Nate carried me to our room.

"Babe... you don't have to carry me everywhere." I smile at him, as he sets me down on the bed.

"It's just... I couldn't save you right away." He looks down, and I gently take his hands in mine.

"Nate, it wasn't your fault." He sighs, and looks in my eyes,

"I'm so sorry Jules.." I stand up, but I still have to hold onto his forearm for balance.

"Nate. Stop it. You don't need to apologize you didn't do anything wrong." he nods, and holds my waist.

"Let's just get some sleep ok?" he nodded again, and he helped me lay down on the bed. We both get under the covers, and hold each other close, and i peacefully fall asleep. I was woken up by a lot of movement, and i open my eyes. It was still very dark , but I could see Nate moving around around a lot, and was..sweating?..

"Jules? No don't take her!"  he rolled around and I started shaking him.

"Nate, wake up." He gasped, and tried feeling for me.

"Jules? Jules?" he was panicking,

"Babe! Babe I'm right here." I say quietly, and grab his hands. He pulls me into his chest breathing heavily.

"Baby calm down.. it's ok. I'm here. What happened Nate?" I held onto his shaking body waiting for him to calm down. Eventually he stopped shaking, and calmed down enough to talk to me, and tell me what had happened in his dream.

"He... he took you away from me, and I just watched it happen." Nate had completely wrapped himself around me.

" I.. I just let him take you away from me." I rubbed his cheek with my thumb.

"Who took me away from you?" I asked quietly.

"Scott..." he said with hatred in his voice.

"He took you away from me again..."

"It's ok, I'm here, he won't take me will be alright." I could feel him start to relax, and calm back down."

"Shh it's ok Nate... go back to sleep, I'm staying right here." he finally closed his eyes, and we both fell asleep.

Hey everyone!! I got to update again!! Thank you all for reading my story, school is starting soon so it might be more difficult to update, but I will whenever i get the chance! Love you guys! -Erika

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